Bollaram Municipality, Sanga Reddy District – Division of Bollaram Municipality into twenty-two (22) wards, Bollaram Municipality is a local governing body in Sangareddy District of Telangana State, responsible for the administration and development of the Bollaram area. It operates under the purview of the Telangana Municipalities Act, aiming to provide efficient governance and improve the quality of life for its residents.
Director of Municipal Administration, Telangana, Hyderabad has stated that, the Commissioner, Bollaram Municipality has submitted a proposal for the division of Bollaram Municipality into twenty two (22) wards after following the due procedure as prescribed and requested to issue final notification.
- After careful examination of the matter and in supersession of orders issued, Government hereby decides to issue final notification of the division of Bollaram Municipality into twenty two (22) wards.
- The following Notification will be published in an Extra-Ordinary Issue of the Telangana Gazette:
In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 6 of the Telangana Municipalities Act No.11 of 2019 read with Telangana Municipalities (Division of Municipalities into wards) Rules 2019, issued in G.O.Ms.No.78, Municipal Administration and Urban Development (MA) Department, Dated 29.06.2019, the Governor of Telangana hereby notify the division of Bollaram Municipality into twenty two (22) wards as described in the Annexure appended to the notification with immediate effect.
ANNEXURE TO G.O. Ms. No. 432, MA & UD (MA.1) Department, dated 17-12-2019
WARD NO. 1 | |
NORTH | Starts at municipal boundary at Khajipally Road towards Narayana college End. |
EAST | Start at Narayana college along the boundary of municipality towards ORR and taken right along the ORR uptoNala of Damara Cheruvu and taken left throughout FTL of Damara Kuntaupto the strom water Sy No.180 End. |
SOUTH | Starts from Strom Water drain towards the H.No. 5-92 upto Khajipally main Road End at 5-42 |
WEST | Starts from H.No. 5-42 at Kazipally main Road up to the municipal boundary at KajipallyRoad End |
WARD NO.2 | |
NORTH | Start from Damari Cheruvu nala at ORR and goes towards kajupally road at ORR upto the Muncipality limits End. |
EAST | Start from the kajupally road at ORR along the muncipality limits the Muncipality limits upto ITC paper mill |
SOUTH | Starts at ITC Paper mill towards along the Hanman mandeer road(Kudikunta bund road) uoto the 1-30 |
WEST | Starts at Hanuman Temple H.No. 1-30 and goes alongkurma Narayana and taken right and taken left and again taken right at h.No.1-37 and upto the Boundry of ward and passing along the Nala touches FTL of Darmiri Ceruvu (H) to Chitta Reddy (H) to Pochamma Temple |
WARD NO.3 | |
NORTH | Starts at from H.No. 12-221 to up to the Hanuman temple staitly taken right and pasing along the Hanuman temple road Kudikunta ITC Pvt Ltd End. |
EAST | Starts at ITC Company to along the Boundary of the municipal limits up to the Nector lab End. |
SOUTH | Starts at Nector Labs to alotng the to NVR High School end. |
WEST | Starts from Back said NVR School and taken right at H.No 12-164 and tekaen lefght H.No 12-167and along the road ends at H.No 12-221 end. |
WARD NO.4 | |
NORTH | Start from H.No. 12-50 to H.No. 12-58 and taken left up to the H.No 12-78 and aken right up to the NVR School form back said of NVR School along the road Nector Lab Municipal Boundary end. |
EAST | Stat from Nector Lab Municipal Boundary and ends at Vaddera basti Road end. |
SOUTH | Start from along with Vadeera basti Road and ends with PPL Pvt Ltd Company. |
WEST | Start from PPL PVt Ltd Company to along the Town Road ends at H.No 12-50 end. |
WARD NO.5 | |
NORTH | Start from H.No.11-216 to H.No.11-243 towards the Vijay iron Company and taken right aganin taken left towards the Town road at H.No. 11-243.taken right up the PPL Pvt Company and taken right up to the Vaddera Basti end. |
EAST | Start from Vaddera Basti to along the Municipal limits. Bachupally Shivaru end. |
SOUTH | Start from Municipal Limits Bachupally shivaru along with municipal limits up to the Ameenpur town road Ameepur Shivaru end. |
WEST | Start from Municipal Limits to Ameenpur Shivaru towards road of Ailapur Thanda to Gandigudem Shivaru and taken right to the H.No. 11-216 end. |
WARD NO.6 | |
NORTH | Start from at boundary at municipality at at H.No 9-1686 Gandigudem Shivaru along the road up to the bund of china madavani kunta and taken left up to the 9-277 again taken right up to the 9-175 and again take in right up to the Saibaba temple. Again taken left upto the Indhira Gandhi statue end. |
EAST | Start from Idnhira Gandhi statue to H.No. 10-104/1 end. |
SOUTH | Start from 10-104 to the boundary of ward up to the Municipal limits end. |
WEST | Start form Municipal limits Gundigudem Colony to along the Muncipality limits up to H.No 9-1686 end. |
WARD NO.7 | |
NORTH | Start form Municipality limits along ORR up to H.No 9-1167 end. |
EAST | Start form H.No 9-1167 to 9-1177 taken right up to the Gandugudem road end. |
SOUTH | Start form GAndigudem Road to 9-1686 end. |
WEST | Start form H.No 9-1686 to 9-1704 up to the Muncipality limits at ORR end. |
WARD NO.8 | |
NORTH | Start form H.No 9-625 to 9-55 along the ORR end. |
EAST | Start form H.No 9-55 to 9-477 and up to the Bund china madhavani kunta end. |
SOUTH | Start form Chinna Madhvani kunta bund to 9-66 end. |
WEST | Start form H.No 9-66 to H.No 9-625 up to the ORR end. |
WARD NO.9 | |
NORTH | Start form Model School ORR to back said Desire society to Vadla Biskapathi House H.No 9-598 end. |
EAST | Start form ORR to KBR Colony Water tank to H.No. 9-450 to 9-176 end. |
SOUTH | Start form H.No. 9-176 to Chinna Madhavani Kunta Bund end. |
WEST | Start form Chinna Madhavani Kunta Bund to H.No. 9-598 near ORR end. |
WARD NO.10 | |
NORTH | Start from Municipal limits ORR to Khazipally road end. |
EAST | Start from Khazipally road to H.No. 6-295/5 towards H.No. 6-262/A turn right toward H.No. 6-262 turn right side to H.No.8-01turn right side H.No. 8-165 to End |
SOUTH | Start from H.No. 8-165 toward HP Petrol Bund towards end of RR. Granders Company end. |
WEST | Start from RR Granders Company towards H.No. 6-315 take left towards water tank and end to ORR Municipal limits end. |
WARD NO.11 | |
NORTH | Starting at H.No. 6-295/5 onwards Madhavan Kunta towards to Khazipally road of ORR end. |
EAST | Starting at Khazipally main road Darga towards H.No. 6-120 end |
SOUTH | Starting from H.No. 6-120 to H.No. 7-192 take right turn towards H.No. 7-187 take left turn towards H.No.7-181/1 and take right towards H.No. 7-169 take left towards H.No. 6-203 take right side to H.No. 7196 take left side to H.No. 6-262 end |
WEST | Starting from H.No. 6-262 towards H.No. 6-295/5 till Madhavan Kunta Khazipally Road End |
WARD NO.12 | |
NORTH | Starts from Strom H.No. 5-42 and Crossed the Kajupally main road towards the H.No. 5-01 and up to the Strom water drain in open land End |
EAST | Starts from Strom water drain in open land and along the Drain up to the H.No.4-126 End |
SOUTH | Starts at H.No. 4-126 to H.No. 4-165 End |
WEST | Starts at H.No. 4-165 to H.No 5-42 along the Kazipally Main Road End |
WARD NO.13 | |
NORTH | Starts at Nala of Dharmi cheruvu olang the nala end set ward boundary at open drain in Open area End. |
EAST | Starts at open drain in Open area up to the H.No 1-37 and taken right again taken left, agen taken right up to the H.No 1-30 End. |
SOUTH | Starts at H.No 1-30 along the municipal road and ends at H.No 2-14. |
WEST | Starts at H.No 2-14 up to the H.No 2-23 and slightly taken left at H.No 1-137 and straight toward boundary of the ward up to the nala End. |
WARD NO.14 | |
NORTH | Starts at H.No 2-141 along the road up to the H.No 2-25/1 End. |
EAST | Starts at H.No 2-25/1 to H.No 2-34 Ends. |
SOUTH | Starts at H.No 2-34, along the road and ends at the Municipal office. |
WEST | Starts at Municipal Office up to the H.No 2-152 and taken left at H.No 2-154 and H.No 2-155/1 up to the Pochamma temple road ends at H.No 2-141 |
WARD NO.15 | |
NORTH | Start at H.No. 12-117 and statghly taken right at H.No.12-131 and with H.No 12-157 end. |
EAST | Start from H.No. 12-157 to H.No. 12-160 and taken right up to the H.NO 12-72 and taken left up the the H.No 12-78 end. |
SOUTH | Start from H.No. 12-78 to P.Sitharam Reddy to at turning H.No. 12-108 end. |
WEST | Start from 12-108 towards H.No.12-117 IDA Main road end. |
WARD NO.16 | |
NORTH | Start from opp Jothi theatre road up to Gandhi statue end. |
EAST | Start from Gandhi statue to H.No.11-215 IDA Road end. |
SOUTH | Start from H.No.11-215 to Vijay Iron foundry end. |
WEST | Start from Vijay iron foundry to ends at Jyothi theatre. |
WARD NO.17 | |
NORTH | Start from Indira Gandhi statue to Gandigudem village road up to the H.No.11-14 end. |
EAST | Start from H.No. 11-14 to H.No.11-13/1 and along the Komatikunta bund end. |
SOUTH | Start from Komati kunat Bund to H.No. 10-103 end. |
WEST | Start from H.No 10-103 to and taken right at H.No 10-104/1 and taken left up to Indira Gandhi Statue end. |
WARD NO.18 | |
NORTH | Start from H.No. 7-165 to 7-172 and take right up to the H.No 7-169 and taken left along the road H.No.7-6/A end. |
EAST | Start from H.No. 7-6/A to H.No. 7-14 End. |
SOUTH | Start from H.No. 7-14 to H.No. 7-150 End. |
WEST | Start from H.No.7-150 to H.No. 7-165 End. |
WARD NO.19 | |
NORTH | Starts from H.No. 4-165 to H.No. 4-126 End. |
EAST | Starts from H.No. 4-126 to H.No. 4-1/3 End. |
SOUTH | Start at H.No 4-1/3 to H.No 4-129,Khazipally Road End. |
WEST | Start at H.No 4-129 to Venu Public School. H.No 4-126 End. |
WARD NO.20 | |
NORTH | Starts at from H.No 3-224/1 to along the road ends with H.No 2-162 End |
EAST | Starts at from H.No 2-162 ends with H.No 2-155/1 End. |
SOUTH | Starts at H.No. 2-155/1 to up to the H.No 3-202 ends at Khazipally road |
WEST | Starts at H.No 3-202 along the Khzjipally Road up to the H.No 3-224/1 End |
WARD NO.21 | |
NORTH | Starts at H.No 3-201 to up to the H.No 3-189 End. |
EAST | Starts at H.No 3-189 to and taken right at H.No 2-154 again ttaken right along the road ends with municipal office Gandhi Statue End |
SOUTH | Starts at Municipal office Gahndi statue along the Khazipally road ends with H.No 3-122 End |
WEST | Starts at H.No 3-222 to along the Khazipally road ends at H.No 3-201 End. |
WARD NO.22 | |
NORTH | Start from 11-14/1 to along the Gandigudem road ends at H.No. 11-27 |
EAST | Start from H.No. 11-27 to Komati kunta to along with H.No 11-114/1 up to the Vijay irin foundry end. |
SOUTH | Start from H.No. 11-114/1 to Komati Kunta bund end. |
WEST | Start from Komati kunta bund to H.No 11-14/1 end. |
Services Offered by Bollaram Municipality
Bollaram Municipality offers a wide range of services to cater to the needs of its residents. Let’s delve into some of the key services provided:
1. Water Supply and Sanitation Services
Ensuring access to clean and safe water is one of the primary responsibilities of the municipality. Through regular maintenance and efficient management, Bollaram Municipality strives to provide uninterrupted water supply to households and commercial establishments. Additionally, the municipality takes measures to promote sanitation practices, including waste management and public hygiene.
2. Road Infrastructure and Transportation
Bollaram Municipality is committed to developing and maintaining an efficient road network within its jurisdiction. It undertakes road construction, repairs, and expansion projects to enhance connectivity and facilitate smooth transportation. By improving infrastructure, the municipality aims to ease traffic congestion and enhance the overall commuting experience for residents.
3. Urban Planning and Development
To ensure sustainable growth and development, Bollaram Municipality engages in effective urban planning. It formulates development plans, land use regulations, and zoning policies to create a well-organized and aesthetically pleasing urban environment. The municipality works towards creating recreational spaces, parks, and green areas to enhance the quality of life for its residents.
4. Civic Amenities
Bollaram Municipality is responsible for providing various civic amenities to its residents. These include street lighting, public parks, community halls, and solid waste management facilities. By focusing on these amenities, the municipality aims to create a conducive and vibrant community where residents can thrive.
5. Property Tax and Revenue Collection
Property tax is a crucial source of revenue for Bollaram Municipality. It levies and collects property taxes from property owners within its jurisdiction. The revenue generated from these taxes is utilized for the development and maintenance of essential services and infrastructure.
Key Initiatives by Bollaram Municipality
Bollaram Municipality has implemented several initiatives to enhance governance and improve the quality of life for its residents. Let’s explore some of the notable initiatives:
1. E-Governance and Online Services
To promote transparency and efficiency, Bollaram Municipality has embraced e-governance. The official website serves as a platform for residents to access various online services, such as property tax payments, birth and death certificate registration, and grievance redressal. By digitizing these services, the municipality ensures convenience and accessibility for its residents.
2. Swachh Bollaram Campaign
Bollaram Municipality actively participates in the Swachh Bharat Mission, a national cleanliness campaign. Through the Swachh Bollaram initiative, the municipality aims to create awareness about cleanliness and promote waste management practices among residents. The campaign involves regular cleanliness drives, waste segregation awareness programs, and the establishment of waste management systems.
3. Skill Development Programs
Recognizing the importance of skill development for socio-economic growth, Bollaram Municipality conducts skill development programs. These programs focus on empowering the local youth by providing vocational training, entrepreneurship opportunities, and job placement assistance. By nurturing talent and enhancing employability, the municipality contributes to the overall development of the community.
4. Smart City Initiatives
Bollaram Municipality has been actively involved in transforming Bollaram into a smart city. Under the Smart City Mission, the municipality undertakes various projects such as smart transportation, intelligent street lighting, and digital governance. These initiatives leverage technology to improve the efficiency of services and enhance the overall urban experience.