GOVERNMENT OF TELANGANA ABSTRACT Public Services School Education Department Filling up of five thousand and eighty-nine 5089 Telangana Teacher Recruitment 2024 vacant teacher posts in various categories under the control of Director of School Education, Telangana, Hyderabad by way of Direct Recruitment through Departmental Selection Committee Orders Issued. G.O.Ms.No.96 FINANCE (HRM.VII) DEPARTMENT Dated: 25th, August, 2023 Read the following:-
Revamping Direct Recruitment Vacancies in Telangana’s School Education System
In a strategic move aimed at bolstering the education sector, the Government of Telangana has meticulously reassessed the status of Direct Recruitment vacancies across various categories under the purview of the Director of School Education, Telangana, Hyderabad. This pivotal step seeks to invigorate the teaching workforce and ensure the seamless flow of education.
Evaluating Needs and Granting Approval
Following a comprehensive evaluation of the proposals presented by the School Education Department, the Government has not only gauged the actual manpower requirement in alignment with the department’s activities and exigencies but has also taken into account the financial implications in the broader spectrum. As a resounding affirmation of their commitment, the Government has granted explicit consent to fill five thousand and eighty-nine (5,089) vacant teaching positions across diverse categories under the jurisdiction of the Director of School Education, Telangana, Hyderabad.
G.O.Ms.No.96, Finance (HRM.VII) Department, dated: 25.08.2023)
S.No | Name of the post | Number of posts |
1 | School Assistant | 1739 |
2 | Secondary Grade Teacher | 2575 |
3 | Language Pandit | 611 |
4 | Physical Education Teacher | 164 |
Total: | 5,089 |
Empowering Direct Recruitment
The approved vacancies will be promptly filled through a rigorous process of Direct Recruitment facilitated by the Departmental Selection Committee. This decision underscores the Government’s dedication to ensuring a robust and efficient education system for the state.
Forthcoming Selection Process
The School Education Department will promptly issue detailed directives regarding the composition of the Departmental Selection Committee, the intricacies of the selection procedure, and other pertinent aspects connected to the recruitment process. These directives will be formulated with the explicit endorsement of the competent authority, thus ensuring transparency and adherence to protocol.
Methodical Execution of Recruitment
To streamline the direct recruitment process, the Departmental Selection Committee will undertake essential measures. These measures include acquiring essential information such as the local cadre-specific vacancy statistics, roster points, and requisite qualifications from the concerned Secretary and the Director of School Education Department, Telangana, Hyderabad.
Timely Notification and Recruitment Schedule
Efficiency being the cornerstone, the Departmental Selection Committee will expedite the issuance of Notifications and Schedules for the recruitment drive. This expedited timeline underscores the Government’s commitment to timely appointments within the education sector.
Synergistic Data Dissemination
Both the Secretary to Government, School Education Department, and the Director of School Education will collaborate in furnishing vital details pertaining to the vacant positions endorsed by this decree. These details encompass localized cadre distribution, roster points, and stipulated qualifications. This collaborative effort will be shared with the Departmental Selection Committee, with due intimation to the Finance Department, ensuring a synchronized approach.
Adapting Regulations for Alignment
In alignment with this decree, the administrative department is empowered to make suitable amendments to regulations concerning the recruitment agency, as stated in the special rules. This step ensures that the entire process is cohesive and follows the newly laid-out guidelines.
Institutionalizing the Selection Process
Taking charge of the procedural aspect, the School Education Department will embark on necessary measures to constitute the Departmental Selection Committee. This committee will be instrumental in carrying out the selection process with utmost diligence.
Reaffirmation and Superseding Previous Orders
This official directive supersedes any previous orders that might have been issued in relation to the posts mentioned in the Appendix. For the designated posts, wherein recruitment notifications have not been disseminated thus far, this decree stands as the prevailing guideline.
In sum, the Telangana Government’s strategic intervention to review and revamp the recruitment process for educational personnel reflects their profound commitment to nurturing the state’s education sector. This bold move is poised to invigorate the teaching fraternity and ensure a vibrant and progressive educational landscape.
1. G.O.Ms.No.275, Finance & Planning (FW.SMPC) Department, dated: 14.12.1995.
2. Director of School Education Lr.Rc.No.51/Genl./2022 dated 21.03.2022.
3. School Education Department, Office Note C.No. 20/RC-1/DSC/TRT/2023, dated 04/08/2023. &&& ORDER: Government have reviewed the status of Direct Recruitment vacancies in various categories under the control of Director of School Education, Telangana, Hyderabad.
2. After due examination of the proposals furnished by the School Education Department in this regard, the actual requirement of personnel with reference to the activities and needs of the Department and the overall financial implication, Government hereby accord permission for filling up of five thousand and eighty nine (5,089) vacant teacher posts in various categories under the control of Director of School Education, Telangana, Hyderabad as shown in the Annexure appended to this order by way of Direct Recruitment through Departmental Selection Committee.
3. The School Education Department shall issue specific orders on the composition of the Departmental Selection Committee, the selection procedure and the other issues relating to the recruitment process, with the approval of the competent authority.
4. The Departmental Selection Committee, shall take the necessary steps for direct recruitment to the vacant posts permitted to be filled up in this order, by obtaining the requisite details, such as local cadre-wise vacancy position, roster points, qualifications, etc., from the concerned Secretary and the Director of School Education Department, Telangana, Hyderabad.