The High Court of Telangana State has instructed the Telangana State-level Police Recruitment Board to initiate the constable recruitment process within a span of four weeks. The HC Directs TS Police to Pursue Constable Recruitment in 4 Weeks, The division bench, led by Justice Abhinand Kumar Shavili and Justice N. Rajeshwar Rao, has set a timeline for the selection process to fill 15,644 police constable positions, emphasizing the need for an efficient and prompt conclusion.
Resolving Disputes Over Exam Questions
Seeking Clarity: A Call to Independent Expert Review
The court has addressed the issue of ‘wrong questions’ in the examination, advocating for a fresh evaluation by an independent expert body. Specifically, questions numbered 122, 130, and 144, which were not translated into Telugu, have sparked a dispute. The bench has directed the recruitment board to seek a second opinion from an independent body of experts, ensuring a comprehensive and fair resolution.
Boosting Confidence: Clarity for Aspiring Candidates
In a move to instill confidence among the unemployed youth, the court emphasized the importance of completing the selection process after obtaining a second opinion. The clarification from the independent body is expected to allay concerns and provide a transparent resolution, fostering trust in the recruitment agency.
Legal Proceedings and Appeals
Chairman’s Challenge: Contesting Single Judge Orders
The chairman of the recruitment board filed an appeal challenging the orders of a single judge, which directed the exclusion of marks for certain questions. These questions, particularly numbers 122, 130, and 144, were not translated into Telugu, leading to dissatisfaction among candidates. The single judge’s directive included re-evaluating the papers and publishing a provisional selection list accordingly.
Supreme Court Precedent: A Point of Reference
During the proceedings, the standing counsel for the police recruitment board referred to a 2021 Supreme Court judgment. The judgment asserted that it was impermissible for High Courts to delve into matters related to wrong questions in recruitment exams. Instead, such issues should be entrusted to an expert body for impartial assessment.
The Way Forward: Second Independent Expert Body
Specialized Review: Osmania University Academicians
The division bench has instructed the recruitment board to refer the dispute over the deletion of wrong questions to a “second independent expert body.” This body will consist of academicians from Osmania University, tasked with thoroughly examining aspects such as incorrect questions, deletions, and the absence of questions in Telugu. Importantly, the court emphasized that there should be no overlap of members between the first and second panels of experts.
In conclusion, the High Court’s directive aims to streamline the constable recruitment process, ensuring fairness and transparency. The involvement of independent expert bodies reflects a commitment to resolving disputes with expertise and upholding the integrity of the selection process. As aspiring candidates await the outcome, this development marks a pivotal step in addressing concerns and maintaining the credibility of the recruitment agency.