Telangana’s Chief Minister, A Revanth Reddy, took a proactive approach on December 13, demanding a comprehensive report on the drawbacks of the Dharani portal introduced by the BRS-led state government in 2020. In a review meeting, Revanth Reddy instructed Chief Commissioner of Land Administration (CCL) Naveen Mittal to submit a detailed report within 10 days, specifically covering both agricultural and non-agricultural lands.
Addressing Criticisms and Ensuring Data Security
Dharani Portal in the Hot Seat: Revanth Reddy Triggers Investigation into Telangana Land System, During the meeting, the Chief Minister addressed concerns surrounding the Dharani app’s data security and requested officials to explain criticisms of the system with supporting data. He emphasized the need for transparency and directed officials to conduct monthly meetings at Mandal revenue offices to discuss the Dharani portal’s functioning and potential improvements.
Job Vacancies and Political Controversy
Telangana Dharani Portal Under Scrutiny: Revanth Reddy Calls for Inquiry, Revanth Reddy also delved into the issue of job vacancies within the revenue department, highlighting the need for timely appointments to ensure efficient governance. The Dharani portal had been a contentious topic in the recent Assembly elections in Telangana, with political parties, including Congress and BJP, expressing divergent views.
Reviewing Dharani Portal: Telangana Opposition Leader Initiates Probe
The Dharani portal plays a crucial role in the state government’s flagship scheme, ‘Rythu Bandhu,’ providing financial assistance to farmers. It became a focal point of political debates during the campaign, with allegations from Congress and BJP regarding land grabbing. The BRS defended the project as a progressive reform, countering claims made during rallies by leaders such as BJP President J P Nadda and AICC former Chief Rahul Gandhi.
Future Political Outlook
Both the Congress and BJP, during their campaigns, vowed to abolish Dharani if voted to power. The divergence in opinions underscores the political sensitivity surrounding the Dharani portal in Telangana. Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao, however, maintained that Dharani eliminates “middlemen” in land transactions, positioning it as a crucial tool for transparent and streamlined land dealings.