In the heart of Secunderabad Cantonment, tragedy struck as Lasya Nanditha met with a fatal car accident, resulting in the loss of her life. The incident occurred near the Narkatpally area, where her journey took a devastating turn on Friday. The car she was traveling in collided with an auto-rickshaw near Patancheru, leading to the unfortunate loss of lives, including hers. The impact was severe, leaving both the passengers, Lasya and the driver, critically injured. Authorities swiftly responded to the scene.
Fatal Mishap Strikes Again
Recently, another fatal accident involving Lasya Nanditha came to light, reminding the community of the dangers lurking on the roads. Returning from a political rally in Nalgonda, she was involved in a collision near Cherlapalli, claiming more lives. The series of events leading to her untimely demise sent shockwaves through the region.
Remembering Lasya Nanditha
Lasya Nanditha, daughter of the late leader Sayanna Kumar, left a void in the political landscape following her tragic death on February 19. Her active participation in the recent assembly elections, emerging victorious from the Cantonment constituency, marked her political ascendancy. Chief Minister Revanth Reddy expressed profound grief over her sudden demise, extending heartfelt condolences to her family. He highlighted her significant contributions to the welfare of her constituents and appealed for peace for her departed soul.
Family and Political Community Mourn
The news of Lasya Nanditha’s demise deeply impacted her family and the political fraternity. Revelations of her close relationship with her father, Sayanna, underscored the personal loss they endured. Amidst prayers for her soul’s tranquility, they sought solace in the divine.
A Political Loss Mourned by Many
Former Chief Minister K. Chandrasekhar Rao expressed profound sorrow over Lasya Nanditha’s untimely demise. Her demise at such a young age left many saddened, emphasizing the tragic nature of road accidents.
Details of the Accident
The accident involved an XL6 car that lost control and collided with the divider in the Cantonment area. Lasya Nanditha, who was in the vehicle, succumbed to her injuries as confirmed by authorities.
Sequence of Events
The tragic accident took place in the Sari area of Sultanpur in Aminpur Mandal. Lasya Nanditha, a young MLA representing the BRS party, was just 33 years old at the time of her passing. The XL6 car she was traveling in lost control and collided with the divider in the area, resulting in this devastating incident.
Previous Incidents
Just 10 days prior to this unfortunate event, on February 13th, Lasya Nanditha was involved in another minor accident where a homeguard traveling with her lost his life. She escaped with minor injuries on that occasion. Her father, G. Saana, a five-time MLA, had passed away on February 19th last year after a prolonged illness. Following his demise, Lasya Nanditha was elected from the Secunderabad Cantonment area, becoming the first-time MLA from there representing the BRS party.
Current Situation
The driver of the vehicle involved in the accident sustained critical injuries and is currently undergoing treatment. The family members of Lasya Nanditha are deeply shocked and grieving over this tragic loss.