Department Wyra Municipality, Khammam District – Division of Wyra Municipality into twenty (20) wards – Final Notification Director of Municipal Administration, Telangana, Hyderabad has stated that, the Commissioner, Wyra Municipality has submitted a proposal for division of Wyra Municipality into twenty (20) wards after following the due procedure as prescribed in G.O. 1 st read above and requested to issue final notification.G.O.Ms. No.370, Dated: 17.12.2019
After careful examination of the matter and in supersession of orders issued vide reference 2 nd read above, Government hereby decide to issue final notification of division of Wyra Municipality into twenty (20) wards.
The following Notification will be published in an Extra-Ordinary Issue of the Telangana Gazette:In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 6 of the Telangana Municipalities Act No. 11 of 2019 read with Telangana Municipalities (Division of Municipalities into wards) Rules 2019, issued in G.O.Ms.No.78, Municipal Administration and Urban Development (MA) Department, Dated 29.06.2019, the Governor of Telangana hereby notify the division of Wyra Municipality into twenty (20) wards as described in the Annexure appended to the notification with immediate effect.
List of Wyra Municipality into 20 wards
Ward No. 1 :
WEST: Starts from H.N06-l along s with the BC colony ending road uptomH.N0 6-41
Starts from 6-41 runs along with the Hanuman bazaar go straight upto H.N0 9-63
Starts from 9-63 turn right side runs along with the Wyra to Khammam road upto H,No 9-51/A
Starts from H.No 9-51/A run alongs with the Vanama Honda
Showroom road and go straight upto H.No. 6-1
Ward No.2:
NORTH: Starts from H.No 9-135 runs along with the straight road upto H.No 9-183
EAST: Starts from H.No 9-183 turn right side and runs along with the straight road upto H,NO 9-40
SOUTH: Starts from H.No.9-240 runs along with the Khammam to Wyra road upto H.N09-64
WEST: Starts from H.No.9-64 runs along with the Vanama Honda Showrooom road upto 9-135
Ward No.3:
NORTH: Starts from Bathula Hyamavathi houseM.No. 10-20/C take right from runs along with the road upto Goulikar Paparao house H.No. 11-61/A
EAST: Starts from 1 1-61/A run along with the road upto chegu anjaneyulu house H.N0. 1 1-13
SOUTH: Starts from 1 1-13 run along with Khammam Wyra road upto Survadevara Sridhar house H.No 10-82
WEST: Starts From 10-87 take right turn and runs along with the road upto H.N0. 10-20/C
Ward No. 4:
WEST: Starts from H.No. 1 1-60 runs towards east side Rajeev Nagar colony touch up the H.No 13-88 take right turn runs towards upto 1B cannel
Starts from H.No. 13-93 and runs towards south side along the C.C Road upto reservoir road take left turn runs towards up to ring road and runs along with Wyra to Khammam road upto H.No 11-91
Starts from H.No.1 1-92 Suggala Srinivas house runs towards west side along.with Khammam to Sathupalli Road upto H.No. 11-61
Starts from H.No.1 1-61/B and runs towards North side along the C.C road upto H.No 13-48
Ward No.5:
H.N0.5-172 to 5-369/A
EAST: Starts from H.No-5-232 and runs towards south side along theH.No.5-206/A and take right runs towards straight up to 5-192.
SOUTH: Starts from H.No-5-193/A and runs towards West side touch up H.No-5-306/B and take right runs towards up to 5-357.
WEST: Starts from H.No.5-348and Runs towards khammam to wyra road up to H.No.5-328 and take right runs towards khammam to madhira road up to H.No.5-247
NORTH: Starts from H.No. 5-247 and runs towards khammam to’wyra road upto H.No.5-261 take right runs towards up to 5-231.
Ward No-6
WEST: Starts from H.No-5-260 and runs towards East side along the Wyra to Khammam Road up to H.No-5-154 and take left runs towards madhira road Up to
Starts from H.N05-1221B and runs towards South side along the madhira road 5-54/d and take left and runs towards up to H.No.5-53.
Starts from H.N05-54/D and runs towards West Side touch up the enamadhi Nageswararao house and take right
Starts from H.No.5-355 and runs along the striate of CC Road tuch up the mittapallivari silk and tale right runs towards khammam to wyra road up to H.No. 5-260.
Ward No.7:
H.N0.13-1 to 13-54
H.N0.12-141 to 12-282 BOUNDARIES:
WEST: Starts From H.No. 12-182 and run towards east side pass through from H.N0. 12-284/A and up to H.N0.12-270
Starts From H.No-12-180 and runs towards South side along the Kucha Road and cross the society complex and runs toward sathhupally khammam road upto H.No. 13-16
Starts from 13-16 and runs towards sathupally khammam road upto
H.No. 13-1 and take right side upto H.No 13-37
Starts from H.No. 12-160 and runs towards North side along MPPS School Road up to H.N0.12-184
Ward No.8:
NORTH: Starts from H.No.12-138 and runs towards upto H.No 12-113 and go straight on C.C road and pass through from the agriculture land upto H.N012-89
EAST: Starts from I.B cannel pass through from agriculture land upto H.NO
12-87 and go straight Sathupally to Khammam road upto H.No.1272
SOUTH: Starts from H.No-12-71 and runs towards sathupally to khammam road H.No. 12-63and take left go straight upto H.No. 12-58
WEST: Starts from H.No. 12-57 runs towards and C.C road go straight upto H.No. 12-38/B pass through from the agriculture land upto H.No 12140/58.
Ward No.9:
WEST: Starts from H.No. 1 1/199 and run along to Khammam to sathupalli road up to NB Canal.
Starts from NB canal and runs towards south said along through the agriculture land tuch up the kommana aruna kumari house 11237/14/1
Starts from Bharath Petrol Bunk madhira road and runs towards Indiramma Colony and take right runs towards north side tuch up the shabari wines and tuch up the NSB canal road and take right and runs towards Madhu college East Gate.
Starts from H.No.5-98 and runs along CC Road and runs towards straight and take turn right runs along with madhira to wyra road up
to 5—41 .
Ward 10
NORTH: Start from H.No-4-70/B and runs towards Esat Side along the cutch road upto H.N0.3-1 13/13 runs towards upto H.N0. 3-1 14/a.
EAST: Start from H.No.3-114/A/l through pass on agriculture land upto H.N0.l-126.
SOUTH: Start from H.No. l- 129/1 and runs towards straight on the CC road upto H.N0.2-170.
Start from H.n03-5/9 and go straight on CC road and take left on the chintha nippu gari house and go straight on madhira road and go through agriculture land upto H.No.4-70/B.
Ward 11
WEST: Start from H.No-2-132 and runs towards east side along CC Road up to H.No-5-141.
Start from H.No-2-140 and runs towards south side along the H.No.2-121 and take right runs towards straight up to madhira main road and croos the road go straight to west side up to H.No.l-61.
Start from H.No. 1-58/1 and runs towards West Side touch upto 1-41.
Start from H.No. 1-42/B and runs along the strite of CC Road up to madhira road and take left runs towards north side up to H.N02-.131.
Ward No.12:
WEST: Starts from H.No.6-25 and runs towards straight on Khammam to Wyra road upto H.No.6-l and take right runs towards up to H.No.643.
Starts from H.No.6-45 and runs towards straight up to H.No.5-108/A and take right and runs towards up to H.No 6-82.
Starts from H.No.6-83 and runs towards straight up to kovvuri settee Sridhar house H.No.7-41 and take right runs towards up to 7-36
Starts from H.No.7-35 and runs along CC Road and runs towards straight up to H.P. Petrol Bunk and take turn right runs along with Khammam to Wyra road up to 6-25.
Ward No.13:
NORTH: Starts from H.No.7-184 and runs towards khammam to wyra road up to H.No.7-103and runs towards cc road up to 7-56 and take left and runs towards up to 7-59/A and take right runs towards up to H.No.759.
EAST: Starts from H.No.7-59/a and runs towards up to KVCM Degree
College and pass through the back side of MDO Office. pass through I-179 and takes left turns run along
SOUTH: Starts from MDO office west side and runs towards and take the right side runs along I-I.No. 7-172.
WEST: along Starts from 7-172/A runs along CC Road up to H.N0.7-188 and runs
Khammam to wyra road up to H.No. 7-184.
Ward No 14:
NORTH: road up Starts from H.No.7-28/A and runs towards khammam to sathupally
to 7-193/c and take right go straight along up to 7-130.
EAST: Starts from H.No.7-13 1 and runs towards up to Ricemill back side runs through agriculture land tuch up the H.No.7-237.
SOUTH: Starts from H.No.7-237/B runs along the New Litttleflower School and runs onwards agriculture land up to Diddepudi road.
WEST: Starts from Diddepudi Road and runs north side up to khammam to wyra road and take right runs towards up to 7-280/a.
Ward No.15:
H. No.l-l to 1-102 2-1 to 2-100 3-1 to 3-100 to 4—35
NORTH: Starts from H.No-4-35 and runs towards khammam to wyra road up to Ayyappa swamy temple take right side and continue the diddepudi road runs along up to 1.
EAST: Starts from H.No.2-30 and pass through the H.No. 1-21 runs along the Kutcha Road up to 1-28.
SOUTH: Starts from H.No. 1-29 and runs along the cc road up to 1-19 and
BOUNDARIES:take right turn goes along up to H.No. 1-2.
WEST: Starts from I-I and pass through cutch road and pass through the agriculture land up to kammam to wyra road and take right runs along up to Vaishnavi Milk.
Ward No.16:
Starts from H.No. 3-57 and runs towards east side touch up the H.No
-3-40 take right runs towards up to 2-3
WEST: Starts from H.No-2-4 and runs towards south side along theH.No.223 and take right runs towards straight up to 2-43.
Starts from H.No-2-44 and runs towards West side touch up H.No2-56 and take right runs towards up to 2-62.
Starts from H.No.2-63 and Runs towards north side touch upthe
H.No. 1-2 and go straight runs towards up to H.No.3-56
Ward No.17:
NORTH: Starts from H.No:- Khammam to Wyra road and pass through from
Agricultural land and touch up to H.No. 2-56/2 and runs towards on
C.C road upto H.N0. 3-65
EAST: Starts from H.No.3-64 and runs towards C.C road take the Right and go straight and take Left on the C.C road runs towards take Right upto 6-96
SOUTH: Starts from H.No.6-97 and runs towards West side and take to Right side and runs towards upto H.No.4-6
WEST: Starts from H.No.4-6/E and runs towards North side upto
Ward No.18:
NORTH: Starts from 2-77 and runs towards east side and take right side runs towards up to
EAST: Starts from H.No.5-102 and runs towards south side upto H.No 5-21
SOUTH: Starts from H.No. 5-22 and runs towards west side and take the right and runs towards upto H.No. 6-9
WEST: Starts from 6-18 and runs towards north side tuch up the karthik vidyalayam and go straight and take right side H.No.3-53 runs towards up to H.No.2-76.
Ward No 19:
WEST: Starts from H.No.4-37 and runs towards East side up to H.No 1-28 and take right side runs towards up to H.No. I -22.
Starts from H.No. 1-23 and runs towards South Sind pass through the agriculture land and runs towards up to H.No. 1-53.
Starts from H.No. 1-54 runs along towards up to H.No.2-28 and runs towards up to Ramalayam Temple.
Starts from Ramalayam Temple and runs towards up to H.No.3-52 and take right side runs towards up to H.No.4-36.
Ward No.20:
NORTH: Starts from H.No. 7-76 (Venkateswara Rice Industries) in
Santhinagar runs along with field upto 8-74 duggirala samelu
EAST: Starts from Duggirala samelu H.No.8-74 runs along with Prohibition & Excise station road upto 8-14/C
SOUTH: Starts from H.No.8-14/C runs along with Khammam to Wyra road upto Vijaya laxmi power boil mill H.No.7-37
WEST: Starts from Vijaya laxmi power boil mill runs along with fields upto Venkateswara rice industries H.No.7-76