Wardhannapet Municipality, Warangal Rural District – Division of Wardhannapet Municipality into Twelve (12) wards – Final Notification – OrdersDirector of Municipal Administration, Telangana, Hyderabad has stated that, the Commissioner, Wardhannapet
Municipality has submitted a proposal for division of Wardhannapet Municipality into Twelve (12) wards after following the due procedure as prescribed above and requested to issue final notification.
After careful examination of the matter and in supersession of orders issued vide reference 2nd read above, Government herby decide to issue final notification of division of Wardhannapet Municipality into Twelve (12) wards.
The following Notification will be published in an Extra-Ordinary Issue of the Telangana Gazette:
In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 6 of the Telangana Municipalities Act No. 11 of 2019 read with Telangana Municipalities (Division of Municipalities into wards) Rules 2019, issued in G.O.Ms.No.78, Municipal Administration and Urban Development (MA) Department, Dated 29.06.2019, the Governor of Telangana hereby notify the division of Wardhannapet Municipality into Twelve (12) wards as described in the Annexure appended to the notification with immediate effect.
Annexure to Wardhannapet Municipality G.O.Ms.No.364, MA & UD (MA) Department, Dated. 17.12.2019
Wardhannapet Municipality WARD NO. 1
NORTH It starts from municipal boundary on Aakeru Vaagu and movies in Eastern direction to H.No 3-23
EAST It starts from above point and moves in Sothern direction through H.No 323, 3-53/23, 3-44/1, and 3-22 on Jaffargadh Road
SOUTH It starts from above point and moves in Western direction up to Municipal Office Junction
WEST It starts from above point and moves in Northern direction through Ramalayam Temple and ends on Aakeru Vaa u Municipal Bouda
Wardhannapet Municipality WARD NO.2
NORTH . It starts from H.No.3-23 at Aakeru Vaagu and moves along the boundary up to North east corner of Municipal boundary.
EAST It starts from above point and moves in Southern direction upto municipal boundary .
SOUTH It starts from above point and moves in western direction through H.No 411/2 and ends on venkateshwara ms Hospital and moves in Western direction through Ambedkar Junction upto SSS Kiranam on Jaffargadh Road.
WEST It starts from above point and continued in Northern direction through
H.No.s 3-22, 3-44/1,3-51/23 and ends on Aakeru Vaa u
Wardhannapet Municipality WARD NO.3
NORTH It starts from Ambedkar Junction and moves through Venkateshwara ms
Hospital and taking North east direction upto H.No 4-11/2 and takes Eastern direction and ends on Aakeru Vaagu
EAST It starts from above point and moves through Municipal boundary upto kothapall road
SOUTH It starts from above point and moves in Western direction and toches the N.H 563 at Grave ard.
WEST It starts from above point and moves in Northern direction and straightly continued upto Ambekar Junction
Wardhannapet Municipality WARD NO.4
NORTH It starts from Kotha ally Road u to Municipal boundary on this road
EAST It starts from above point and continued along municipal boundary upto Southeast corner.
SOUTH It starts from above point and moves in West direction along the Municipal bounda u to SRSP canal
WEST It starts from above point and moves in northern direction along canal boundary and takes Western direction by excluding DC thanda and toches the Kotha all Road
Wardhannapet Municipality WARD NO.5
NORTH It starts from Venkateshwa Thanda corner to SRSP canal
EAST It starts from above point to and moves in Southern direction upto SouthEast corner of canal at DC thanda
SOUTH It starts from above point and moves in Western direction and hence on Municipal bounda
WEST It Start from above point and ends on Northern corner of Venkatehwara Thanda
Wardhannapet Municipality WARD NO.6
NORTH It starts from Venkatehwara Thanda Southern corner and moves in Eastearn direction upto Southeast corner of SRSP canal
EAST It starts from above point and moves along SRSP canal upto Municipal Boundary
SOUTH It starts from above point and moves along municipal boundary upto Rukhi thanda
WEST It starts from above point and moves in Northern direction IVto Venkateshwara Thanda South Corner
Wardhannapet Municipality WARD NO.7
NORTH It starts from Municipal boundary on Jaffargadh Road and continues on Jaffargadh Road and covering H.No. 12-93 and Konapuram X road and continued upto Kothapally Road.
EAST It starts from above point and moves in Southern direction by Including Vamshiraj Nagar and Excluding Venkateshwara Swamy Thanda and Rukki thanda and continued upto Municipal boundary
SOUTH It starts from above point and moves in Western direction upto South west corner of Munici al Boundary
WEST It starts from above point and continues in Northern direction upto Jaffargadh road.
Wardhannapet Municipality WARD NO.8
NORTH Its starts from SSS Kiranam on Jaffargadh Road upto Ambedkar Junction
EAST It starts from above point and moves in southwest direction on NH 563 and ends at block office.
SOUTH It starts from above point and moves in Northwest direction upto back side of Veerabhadra Rice Mill
WEST It starts from above point and continues in Northern direction through
H.No. 9-87, 9-88/1 / 2, and ends on SSS Kiranam
Wardhannapet Municipality WARD NO.9
NORTH It starts from Municipal Office Junction upto SSS Kiranam
EAST It starts from above point and continued in Southern direction and ends before Veerabhadra Rice Mill.
SOUTH It starts from above point and moves along H.No 9-87, 9-109/2, 9-138 and upto Municipal Office
WEST It starts from Municipal Office to Municipal Office Junction
Wardhannapet Municipality WARD NO. 10
NORTH It starts from Hno 12-93 upto Municipal Office
EAST It starts from above point and continues along H.NO 9-138, 9-107/2, 988/112
SOUTH It starts from above point and moves through fields upto H.no 12-93
WEST It starts from above point upto Jaffargadh Road.
Wardhannapet Municipality WARD NO. 11
NORTH It starts from Konapuram X road to H.No 12-93
EAST It starts from above point to H.No 11-14
SOUTH It starts from above point and ends on Konapuram Road
WEST It starts from above point and ends on Zaffargadh road
Wardhannapet Municipality WARD NO. 12
NORTH It starts from Municipal boundary on Northwest corner upto Aakeru Vaagu
EAST It starts from above point and moves along Ramalayam Road and ends at Municipal Office.
SOUTH It starts from above point and continues on Jaffargadh Road and covering Hno.12-93 and compound wall of Rice Mill and continued on Zaffergadh road upto municipal boundary
WEST It starts from above point and ends on North West corner of Municipal Boundary