The Government of Andhra Pradesh as a matter of policy have proposed to introduce a Self-employment scheme YSR Adarsham for unemployed youth for transportation of sand and other essential commodities through Andhra Pradesh Mineral Development Corporation(APMDC), Andhra Pradesh Civil Supplies Corporation(APCSC), Andhra Pradesh Beverages Corporation Limited(APBCL) and other Government agencies by inducting upto 6,000 trucks to transport sand and other commodities through the welfare corporations with bank linkage (YSR Adarsham Scheme).
The main aim of the scheme is remove bottlenecks in transportation of sand and other essential commodities to ensure access to sand to consumers at affordable rates by inducting upto 6000 vehicles.
In this scheme the Andhra Pradesh Mineral Development Corporation(APMDC)Â will take the sand requirement from the customers, transport it through the vehicles provided by the Welfare Corporation beneficiaries and issue payments to all Welfare Corporations in real time after delivery of the sand.
Similarly APCSC and APBCL will hire these vehicles to transport their commodities. The vehicles will be allotted based on the customer’s requirements. The vehicles will be provided to the beneficiaries under Bank linked programme by all the welfare corporations.
The beneficiary delivers sands to the customers doorsteps and receives monthly payments against the service offered. The scheme shall aim at providing a monthly net income of Rs.20,000 to the beneficiary. At the end of the repayment period of five(5) years, the beneficiary will become the owner of the vehicle without any encumbrances.
The following committee will monitor the above scheme at State level and District level as follows.
Details of the members and Designation
Secretary, Social Welfare Chairman
Secretary,Tribal/BC/Kapu/ Minority Welfare Corporations Member
Secretary, Mines Member
Secretary, Civil Supplies Member
Commissioner,Transport Department Member
Commissioner, Commercial Tax Member
SLBC Convener Member
MD, APMDC Convener
Issue detailed guidelines for the system proposed.
Monitor functions of all the associated agencies.
Fix terms & Conditions for Vehicle OEMs and identify OEMs through reverse tendering process.
Devise a process which suggests minimum payment of GST in transportation.
District Collector – Chairman
Executive Directors of SC/ Tribal/BC/Kapu/ Minority Welfare
Corporations Member
AD, Mines Member
District Tribal Welfare Officer Member
District Transport Commissioner Member
Lead District Manager Member
Joint Collector (Sand) Convener
Perform district-level assessment for the transport requirements of the region.
Coordination with banks for loans.
Support agencies in procurement of vehicles.
Monitor district-level operations.
Identify the beneficiaries.
Make payments on time to beneficiaries.
Monitor the performance of beneficiaries.
Support Welfare
Corporations in signing an agreement with OEMs & Banks.
Government after careful examination of the matter, hereby approved the Selfemployment Y.S.R. Adarsham unemployed youth by inducting upto 6,000 trucks to transport sand and other commodities through the welfare corporations with bank linkage. The operational guidelines for the above scheme, will be issued separately.
Social Welfare Department – YSR Adarsham- Introducing a Self-employment scheme for unemployed youth for transportation of sand and other essential commodities through Andhra Pradesh Mineral Development Corporation(APMDC), Andhra Pradesh Civil Supplies Corporation(APCSC), Andhra Pradesh Beverages Corporation Limited(APBCL) and other Government agencies by inducting upto 6,000 trucks to transport sand and other commodities through the welfare corporations with bank linkage – Orders – Issued.
SOCIAL WELFARE (SCP) DEPARTMENT G.O.RT.No. 486 Dated: 22-10-2019.
1) From the Principal Secretary to Government, Chief Ministers Officers, E-Office file No.11/641/ 2019-PESHI-CMO, Dt.12.10.2019. 2) Minutes of the Meeting was held on 14.10.2019. 3) Cabinet Resolution No.359 of 2019, Dated 17.10.2019.