Mission Director, A.P. Mission forThe mission for Clean Krishna Godavari Canals has stated that the rivers Krishna & Godavari are of unique importance ascribed to reasons that are geographical, historical, socio-cultural and economic, giving it a vital role in the economy of the State.
The Krishna Delta System and Godavari Delta System include a network of irrigation canals and drains constructed in the districts of East Godavari, West Godavari, Krishna and Guntur. It is one of the major rice bowls of the country and today leads in many other economic activities like aquaculture, agro-processing, etc.
The canals and drains of Krishna & Godavari Delta Systems have been facing serious threat due to discharge of increasing quantities of sewage, trade effluents and other pollutants on account of rapid urbanization, industrialization and other activities The mission for Clean Krishna Godavari Canals.
Though some efforts were made to clean them, the results need to be improved. Further concerted efforts on a large scale are required with a holistic approach by properly coordinating with various departments to achieve the objective of cleaning up and also keeping them clean and pollution-free in future.
Hence a Mission with multi-departmental involvement is required to achieve the objective of pollution free and beautiful canals in both these river delta systems The mission for Clean Krishna Godavari Canals.
To achieve the above objectives, he has requested to constitute a Mission called the “ANDHRA PRADESH MISSION FOR CLEAN KRISHNAGODAVARI CANALS”, which will act as the Apex body for the activity of clean canals, drains in the Krishna and Godavari Delta Systems.
Government after examination hereby constitutes the Mission called the “MISSION FOR CLEAN KRISHNA GODAVARI CANALS” with the following composition to take up the cleaning of all canals and drains in the Krishna Delta System and Godavari Delta System within the State of Andhra Pradesh and activities consequent and subsequent to it.
- Chief Minister Chairperson, ex-officio
- Chief Secretary Vice-Chairperson
- Eminent environmentalists in the related field/Eminent Members of NGOs working in the related field. Members(to be nominated by the Government)
- Special C.S/Prl.Secy/Secretary for Water Resources Department Member, ex-officio
- SpecialC.S/Prl.Secy/Secretary for Municipal Administration and Urban Development Department Member, ex-officio
- SpecialC.S/Prl.Secy/Secretary for Panchayat Raj and Rural Development Department Member, ex-officio
- SpecialC.S/Prl.Secy/Secretary for Environment, Forests, Science & Technology Department Member, ex-officio
- Mission Director, Clean Krishna – Godavari Canals Member Secretary, exofficio
The functions of the Mission for Clean Krishna – Godavari Canals in the Krishna Delta System and Godavari Delta System are-
(a) to ensure effective abatement of pollution and rejuvenation of the canals and drains in Krishna & Godavari Delta Systems, by adopting a river basin approach to promote inter-district and inter-sectoral co-ordination for comprehensive planning and management;
(b) to maintain ecological flows in the Krishna and Godavari Delta System canals and drains with the aim of ensuring continuous flows throughout its length so as to restore its ecological integrity that enables it to selfrejuvenate;
(c) for designing of appropriate regulations and advising appropriate regulatory authorities, on industrial and other activities, operations and processes in areas abutting the Krishna & Godavari canals in the Krishna Delta System and Godavari Delta System areas.
(d) to advise appropriate authorities for inspection of any premises, plants, equipment, machineries, manufacturing or other processes, materials or substances for prevention, control and abatement of environmental pollution in the canals and drains in the Krishna Delta System and Godavari Delta System.
(e) for carrying out and sponsoring investigations and research relating to problems of environmental pollution in the Krishna & Godavari canals and drains and examination of such manufacturing processes, material and substance as are likely to cause environmental pollution;
(f) for collection and dissemination of information in respect of matters relating to environmental pollution in the River Krishna & Godavari canals and drains and preparation of manual, codes or guide relating to the prevention, control and abatement of environmental pollution.
(g) In addition, the Mission will specifically undertake the following:
(i) Coordinate, guide and direct the Water Resources Dept. for periodical cleaning of the Canals and the Drains in the Krishna
Delta System and Godavari Delta System;
(ii) Coordinate, guide and direct the MA&UD and PR Departments and the local bodies to ensure both solid and liquid wastes are treated as per norms and do not pollute the Krishna Delta System and Godavari Delta System;
(iii) Coordinate, guide and direct the Industries Dept. to ensure that industrial wastes not to pollute the Krishna Delta System and Godavari Delta System;
(iv) Coordinate, guide and direct the Animal Husbandry, Dairy Development & Fisheries Dept., especially Fisheries Dept. not to pollute the Krishna Delta System and Godavari Delta System;
(v) Coordinate, guide and direct the Agriculture Dept. not to pollute the Krishna Delta System and Godavari Delta System;
(vi) To undertake and develop avenue plantation, walking paths along the canals and general beautification of the Canals and Drains in Krishna Delta System and Godavari Delta System either on its own or through appropriate agencies to improve the landscape and environment.
(h) Coordinate with the A.P. Pollution Control Board in all pollution related matters including inspections and compliances.
(i) Mission shall prepare DPRs for projects for submitting to the Government of India for assistance under Centrally sponsored Schemes and Externally Aided Projects.
(j) The Mission may take up certain stretches and get them cleaned and beautified through Governmental or Non-Governmental agencies
(k) The Mission shall attend to other incidental, consequential and subsequential action that may arise.
The Mission Director, A.P. Mission for Clean Krishna – Godavari Canals shall take further necessary action in the matter accordingly.
Environment, Forests Science & Technology Department – Formation of “ Andhra Pradesh Mission for Clean Krishna – Godavari Canals” to take up the cleaning of all canals and drains in the Krishna Delta System and Godavari Delta System within the State of Andhra Pradesh – Orders – Issued.
ENVIRONMENT, FORESTS, SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY (SEC.I) DEPARTMENT G.O.MS.No. 37 Dated: 13-11-2019 Concept Note from the Mission Director, A.P. Mission for Clean Krishna Godavari Canals, dt.Nil.