Municipal Administration & Urban Development Department – The Andhra Pradesh Municipalities (Division of Nagara Panchayats & Municipalities in to Wards) Rules, 1994 – Amendment – Notification – Orders
In exercise of the powers conferred under section sub-section (1) of Section 326 read with clause (a) of sub-section (1) of Section 10 of the Andhra Pradesh Municipalities Act, 1965, the Governor of Andhra Pradesh, hereby, makes the following Amendment to the Rules issued in G.O.Ms.No.31, MA&UD (Elec.I) Dept., dated.03.02.1995.
The following shall be substituted in Rule (4) (i), (8), (10), (11), (12) and Rule (13) of the Andhra Pradesh Municipal Corporations (Delimitation of wards)
Rules, 1996 and as amended from time to time:-
In Rule 4 (i):-
The Municipal Commissioner shall issue a preliminary notification relating to the proposal to divide/re-divide the Municipality/ Nagar Panchayat into wards in Form-I and call for suggestions from the General Public so as to reach Municipal Office within 7 days from the date of publication of the Notice, in Municipal Office, other prominent places in Telugu and English. The Municipal Commissioner shall also place the said notice before the Municipal Council for its views, suggestions and objections.
In Rule 8:-
The Municipal Commissioner after considering the objections and suggestions received in time, shall forward the ward division proposals to the District Collectors together with the following Annexures namely.
i. Municipal Map duly depicting the existing and proposed ward divisions in different colours.
ii. Statement of suggestions and objections received in Form-II.
iii. Certificate that the boundary description of each ward has been verified and found correct in Form-III.
iv. Certificate that no part of the Municipal area has been left without being included in one or the other ward in Form-IV and Form-V.
v. Certificate that no area has been included in more than one ward in Form- V.
The District Collector, within two days from the date of receipt of proposals from the Municipal Commissioner, shall submit the same with his report to the C&DMA.
In Rule 10:- Omitted
In Rule 11:- Omitted
In Rule 12:-
On receipt of the report from the District Collector, the Commissioner & Director of Municipal Administration will consider the representations received from Public, report of District Collector and views of the Municipal Council in this matter and submit his report to the Government within (4) days after receipt of the report.
In Rule 13:-
The Government will examine the views of the Municipal Council in the matter and approve the proposal dividing the Municipality into Wards. The final notification shall be published in Andhra Pradesh Gazette in Form-VI by the Municipal Commissioner.
Municipal Elections – Fixation of Strength of Elected Members, Reservation of seats, Delimitation of Wards, Determination of specific wards in Municipal Corporations – Delegation of certain powers vested with the Government to the Commissioner & Director of Municipal Administration, AP and the District Collectors – Notification
Government have delegated its powers to the Commissioner & Director of Municipal Administration and the District Collectors in order to take up certain statutory activities to be taken up before issuance of the Election Schedule for conduct of Municipal Elections by the State Election Commission.
Commissioner & Director of Municipal Administration, AP, Guntur, has submitted a proposal to delegate certain powers vested with the Government to the Commissioner & Director of Municipal Administration and the District Collectors in order to complete the statutory activities like fixation of the Elected Members, Reservation of seats to the offices of Ward Member, delimitation of wards, determination of specific wards to be reserved to STs, SCs, BCs & Women which have to be done prior to issuance of the Notification for conduct of Elections to the Municipal Corporations in the State.
After careful examination of the proposal submitted by the Commissioner & Director of Municipal Administration, AP, Guntur, the Government hereby decided to delegate certain powers vested with the Government to the Commissioner & Director of Municipal Administration and the District Collectors for carrying out the statutory activities.
In exercise of the powers conferred under Section70-F of Municipal Corporations Act,1955 (formerly GHMC Act, 1955) read with Section 11 of the Visakhapatnam Municipal Corporation Act, 1979, Section 11 of Vijayawada Municipal Corporation, 1981, Section 18 of AP Municipal Corporation Act, 1994 and Sections 5 & 8 of Municipal Corporation Act, 1955 read with Section 14, 14-
the Strength of the Elected Members in Municipal Corporations in the State” issued vide G.O.Ms.No.358 MA&UD (Ele.II) Dept., dt.27.04.2005, “A.P. Municipal Corporation (Reservation of seats) Rules, 1995” issued vide G.O.Ms.No.44 MA&UD (Ele.I) Dept., dt.06.02.1995, “The Andhra Pradesh Municipal Corporations (Delimitation of Wards) Rules, 1996” issued vide G.O.Ms.No.570 MA&UD (Elec.2), dt.06.11.1996, the following powers vested with the Government are hereby delegated to the Commissioner & Director of Municipal Administration and the District Collectors:-
The power of “Fixation of strength of Elected Members of the Municipal Corporations” is delegated to the Commissioner & Director of Municipal Administration/Director of Municipal Administration.
The power of “Reservation of Offices of various categories i.e. STs, SCs, BCs and Women in the Municipal Corporations” is delegated to the Commissioner & Director of Municipal Administration/Director of Municipal Administration.
The power of “Delimitation of Wards (Division of Municipal Corporations into Wards)” is delegated to the Commissioner & Director of Municipal Administration/Director of Municipal Administration.
The power of “Determination of specific wards to be reserved to SCs STs, BCs and Women in Municipal Corporations” is delegated to the District Collectors concerned and as per the instructions of the Commissioner & Director of Municipal Administration/Director of Municipal Administration. The Commissioner & Director of Municipal Administration shall take necessary action in the matter, accordingly.
Municipal Elections – Fixation of Strength of Elected Members, Reservation of seats, Reservation of Offices of Chairpersons, Delimitation of Wards, Determination of specific wards in Municipalities & Nagarpanchayats -Delegation of certain powers vested with the Government to the Commissioner & Director of Municipal Administration, AP – Notification
Government have delegated its powers to the Commissioner & Director of Municipal Administration and the District Collectors in order to take up certain statutory activities to be taken up before issuance of the Election Schedule for conduct of Municipal Elections by the State Election Commission.
Commissioner & Director of Municipal Administration, AP, Guntur, has submitted a proposal to delegate certain powers of the Government to the Commissioner & Director of Municipal
Administration in order to complete the statutory activities like fixation of the Elected Members, Reservation of seats to the offices of Ward Member, Chairperson, delimitation of wards, determination of specific wards to be reserved to STs, SCs, BCs & Women which have to be done prior to issuance of the Notification for conduct of Elections to the Nagar Panchayats and Municipalities in the State.
After careful examination of the proposal submitted by the Commissioner & Director of Municipal Administration, AP, Guntur, the Government hereby decided to delegate certain powers vested with the Government to the Commissioner & Director of Municipal Administration for carrying out the statutory activities.
In exercise of the powers conferred under section 387 of AP Municipalities Act, 1965, read with Sections 5 (2) (i), 10 (1), 24 of the Andhra Pradesh Municipalities Act, 1965 and AP Municipalities (Fixation of strength of Nagar Panchayats and Municipal Councils) Rules, 2004, Division of Nagar Panchayats & Municipalities into Wards Rules, 1994 and Reservation of Offices of Chairpersons to Municipal Councils & NPs Rules, 1995, the following powers vested with the Government are hereby delegated to the Commissioner & Director of Municipal Administration:-
- The power of “Fixation of strength of elected members of the Municipal Councils and Nagarpanchayats” is delegated to the Commissioner & Director of Municipal Administration/Director of Municipal Administration.
- The power of “Reservation of Offices of Chairpersons to Municipal Councils & Nagarpanchayats” is delegated to the Commissioner & Director of Municipal Administration/Director of Municipal Administration.
- The power of “Delimitation of Wards (Division of Municipalities into Wards) by the Municipalities and Nagarpanchayats” is delegated to the Commissioner & Director of Municipal Administration/Director of Municipal Administration.
The Commissioner & Director of Municipal Administration shall take necessary action in the matter, accordingly.
The Andhra Pradesh Municipal Corporations (Delimitation of wards) Rules, 1996 Amendment Notification
In exercise of the powers conferred under section 585 and Section 5 and 8 of the Municipal Corporations Act, 1955 (formerly known as GHMC Act, 1955), read with Section 18 of the Andhra Pradesh Municipal Corporation Act, 1994 (Act No.25 of 1994), the Governor of Andhra Pradesh, hereby, makes the following Amendments to the Rules issued in GO Ms.No.570, MA&UD Department, dated 0611- 1996.
The following shall be substituted in Rule (8) and Rule (11) of the Andhra Pradesh Municipal Corporations (Delimitation of wards) Rules, 1996 and as amended from time to time:-
In Rule 8:-
The Commissioner shall issue a preliminary Notification relating to the proposal to divide/re-divide the Municipal Corporation into wards in Form-I and publish on the Notice Board of the Corporation and other prominent places in Telugu and English and call for suggestions from the General Public so as to reach Municipal Office within 7 days from the date of publication of the Notice. The Commissioner shall also place the said Notice before the Municipal Council for its views, suggestions and objections.
In Rule 11:-
The Government in consultation with Commissioner & Director of Municipal Administration examine the views of the General Body of the Corporation in the matter and approve the proposal dividing the Municipal Corporation into Wards. The Final Notification shall be published in Andhra Pradesh Gazette in Form-VI by the Commissioner.