The grand finale of the first edition of Miss Universe Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, and Karnataka State took place in Hyderabad, showcasing the brilliance and charm of 21 stunning finalists. Held at Vinflora Residency in Srinagar Colony, this event attracted eminent personalities from the beauty and fashion industries who were tasked with selecting the winners.
A Night to Remember: The Finalists and Their Journey
The event featured 21 finalists who dazzled the audience with their impeccable catwalks and breathtaking looks. These finalists were meticulously chosen by a distinguished panel of judges from an initial pool of 96 aspirants, reflecting the high standards and fierce competition of the pageant.
Distinguished Jury and Their Role
The jury comprised prominent figures such as Miss Universe State Director Praachi Nagpal, celebrity dentist Dr. Nida Khateeb, Mr. Global 2023 Jason Dylon, fashion designer Anjali Jha, and Churrolto founder Neehar Bisabatheni. Their expertise and critical eye were instrumental in selecting the winners of this prestigious event.
Winners of Miss Universe Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka State
Miss Universe Telangana
- Winner: Niharika Sood
- 1st Runner-up: Sanjana Vij
- 2nd Runner-up: Megha Reddy Edumuri
Miss Universe Andhra Pradesh
- Winner: Chandana Jayaram
- 1st Runner-up: Vani Videha
- 2nd Runner-up: Rukmini Yarasingu
Miss Universe Karnataka
- Winner: Avani Kakekochi
- 1st Runner-up: Saumya Joshi
- 2nd Runner-up: Divya Nehra
Special Awards and Honors
In addition to the main titles, special awards were presented to recognize outstanding qualities among the finalists. Titles such as Best Smile and Best Attire were awarded, celebrating the unique attributes of the contestants.
An Encouraging Response and Future Prospects
The inaugural edition of Miss Universe Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, and Karnataka State received overwhelming participation and enthusiasm from all corners of the three states. The successful execution of this event sets a high benchmark for future editions, promising an even more spectacular showcase of talent and beauty.
Looking Ahead: National Representation
The winners, Niharika Sood, Chandana Jayaram, and Avani Kakekochi, will represent their respective states at the national level Miss Universe India pageant. Their journey at the national level will be closely watched, with hopes of bringing the crown back to their home states.
The first edition of the Miss Universe Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, and Karnataka State grand finale was a resounding success, filled with glamour, talent, and elegance. This event not only highlighted the beauty and grace of the contestants but also set the stage for their future endeavors in the world of pageantry. As these winners move forward to represent their states nationally, they carry with them the hopes and dreams of their communities, inspiring future generations to aspire for greatness.