The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), in collaboration with NASA’s ICESat-2 satellite, has unveiled a comprehensive and detailed undersea map of Ram Setu, also known as Adam’s Bridge. This significant achievement marks a milestone in underwater cartography and provides new insights into this historically and culturally significant structure.
High-Resolution Mapping of Ram Setu
ISRO utilized NASA’s advanced ICESat-2 satellite to gather optical satellite imagery, which revealed that Ram Setu is 99.98% submerged underwater. The pathway, stretching 29 meters in length and standing 8 meters above the seabed, has been meticulously mapped with a 10-meter resolution, achieved through six years of extensive data collection. Remarkably, the bridge is reported to be 1.5 kilometers wider than previously thought.
Location and Geological Significance
Ram Setu is strategically positioned between Mannar Island, off the northwest coast of Sri Lanka, and Rameswaram Island in India. This location has intrigued scientists and historians alike, prompting detailed studies to understand its formation and significance. The latest map from ISRO’s Jodhpur and Hyderabad National Remote Sensing Centre provides an unparalleled view of the submerged bridge, thanks to advanced laser technology deployed by the US satellite.
Advanced Laser Technology Unveils Underwater Secrets
The green laser of ICESat-2 allowed for deep penetration, detecting seafloor features up to 40 meters deep. Researchers collected around 0.2 million photons from the satellite, providing crucial depth information for creating high-resolution bathymetric data. This sophisticated technology has enabled scientists to uncover previously unknown aspects of the bridge’s underwater structure.
Discovery of Submerged Channels
A research team led by Giribabu Dandabathula identified 11 tiny channels, each with a depth of 2-3 meters, using 3-D-derived metrics to estimate the bridge’s physiology. This discovery adds a new dimension to the understanding of Ram Setu’s geological history, offering valuable data for marine geophysics and archaeological studies.
Historical and Cultural Importance
Ram Setu holds immense historical and cultural significance in India. According to the ancient epic Ramayana, the bridge was constructed by Lord Ram to reach Lanka (modern-day Sri Lanka) to rescue his wife Sita from the demon king Ravana. Historically referred to as ‘Sethu Bandhai’ by the Persians until the ninth century AD, the bridge was initially above sea level, serving as a critical link between the two landmasses until a devastating storm in 1480 submerged it underwater.
Future Research and Implications
The detailed undersea mapping of Ram Setu not only enhances our understanding of this enigmatic structure but also opens new avenues for future research. The data obtained will be instrumental in marine geophysics and archaeology, shedding light on the geological history of Adam’s Bridge and its role in human history. This groundbreaking study underscores the potential of advanced satellite technology in unraveling the mysteries of our planet’s underwater landscapes.
The collaboration between ISRO and NASA has culminated in the creation of a detailed undersea map of Ram Setu, offering unprecedented insights into this ancient and culturally significant structure. The use of advanced laser technology and high-resolution imagery has revealed the submerged secrets of the bridge, providing valuable data for future research and enhancing our understanding of its historical significance. This achievement highlights the importance of international collaboration in advancing scientific knowledge and preserving our shared heritage.