Kosigi Municipality, Narayanpet District – Division of Kosigi Municipality into Sixteen (16) wards Final Notification G.O. Ms. No.322 Dated: 17.12.2019
Director of Municipal Administration, Telangana, Hyderabad has stated that, the Commissioner, Kosigi Municipality has submitted a proposal for division of Kosigi Municipality into Sixteen (16) wards after following the due procedure as prescribed in G.O. I St read above and requested to issue final notification.
After careful examination of the matter and in supersession of orders issued vide reference 2nd read above, Government herby decide to issue final notification of division of Kosigi Municipality into Sixteen (16 )wards.The following Notification will be published in an Extra-Ordinary Issue of the Telangana Gazette:
In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 6 of the Telangana Municipalities Act No. 11 of 2019 read with Telangana Municipalities (Division of Municipalities into wards) Rules 2019, issued in G.O.Ms.No.78, Municipal Administration and Urban Development (MA) Department, Dated 29.06.2019, the Governor of Telangana hereby notify the division of Kosigi Municipality into Sixteen (16) wards as described in the Annexure appended to the notification with immediate effect
Annexure to Kosigi Municipality G.O.Ms.No.322, MA & UD (MA) Department, Dated.17.12.2019 DESCRIPTION OF WARD BOUNDARIES Kosigi Municipality Ward No Directions Ward Boundaries
Kosigi Municipality Ward No 1
NORTH Starts at Sarjikhanpet Road Sy.No.46 moves towards Eastern direction all alon the Munici al bounda ent at Sy.No.69 Municipal bOunda
EAST Starts from above point moves along the Dadapur Road towards Pothireddy Pall ends at Govt. School western edge.
SOUTH Starts from above point goes towards South-West direction along the Kosgi Road ends at Gundla all Road.
WEST Starts from above point goes Northern direction towards Sarjakhanpet Road end at S .No.46.
Kosigi Municipality Ward No 2
NORTH Starts at Municipal boundary Sy.No.98 moves North – East direction all alon the Munici al limit ends at Sy.No.319.
EAST starts at above point goes along Municipal limit ends at Jinnaram Road Sy.No.353.
SOUTH Starts from above point moves all along the Jinnaram Road towards Kosgi town ends at Pothireddy Pally Road Sy.No.541 /8.
WEST Starts at above point moves Northern direction ends at startin oint.
Kosigi Municipality Ward No 3
NORTH Starts at main Road Sy.No.851 moves North-East direction along the Thimmaipally Road turns right Sy.No.644 proceeds Sy.no.405,369 and ends at Municipal bounda Sno.355 North edge
EAST Starts at above point moves along the Municipal boundary ends at Sy.No.820.
SOUTH Starts at above point goes along the Main Road turns right at Sy.no.834 proceeds Sy.No. 728,729,726,718 ends at Sy.No.852 at Main Road.
WEST Starts at above point moves Northern direction ends at statin oint.
Kosigi Municipality Ward No 4
NORTH Starts at Busstand Shivaji Chowk moves along the Main Road turns left at Sy.No.851 roceedsS ends Main Road.
EAST Starts at above point goes Sothern direction ends Sampally Shiver.
SOUTH Starts at point moves North-west direction along the Sampally Shiver at Maddur Road.
WEST Starts at above point moves Northern direction ends at startin oint.
Kosigi Municipality Ward No 5
NORTH Starts at Maddur Road moves Eastern direction ends Nagasanpally Road.
EAST Starts at above point moves along the Nagasanpally Shiver ends at Municipal Limit.
SOUTH Starts at above point goes along Municipal Limit ends at Maddur Road Sy.No.30.
WEST Starts at above point goes North direction ends at above oint.
Kosigi Municipality Ward No 6
NORTH Start at Tandur Road moves along East Direction ends at Market road .
EAST Starts from above point goes along the market road west direction ends at Shiva •i chowk
SOUTH Starts at above point goes along the Maddur road south – west direction Ends at municipal limit
WEST Starts at above Point Ends at Starting Point
Kosigi Municipality Ward No 7
NORTH Starts at Nacharam Road moves towards East Direction Ends at thandur road.
EAST Starts at above point moves towards south direction ends at chennaram road .
SOUTH Starts at above point moves along the municipal boundary ends at mushrifa road munici al limit
WEST Starts at above oint ends at starting oint.
Kosigi Municipality Ward No 8
NORTH Start at Municipal boundry Rampuram Road moves all along the munucipal boundries ends at Sarjakhanpet Road sy no 46 North West Edge.
EAST Start from above point moves South West Direction along the sarjakhanpet road ends at H.no 16-32
SOUTH Start at above point moves towards West turn direction proceed H no 16-, 91 / 2 ends at H.no 17-4.
WEST Start at above point moves North West Direction Ends at Startin oint.
Kosigi Municipality Ward No 9
NORTH Starts at H.No.15-98 moves along the Sarjakhanpet Road Eastern direction ends at H.No. 14-1
EAST Starts from above point moves Southern direction ends at Kummariveedi, Hanman Tem le West side.
SOUTH Starts at above point moves Western direction ends Municipal office Road H.No.14-87.
WEST Starts at above point goes along the Sarjakhanpet Road ends at starting point.
Kosigi Municipality Ward No 10
NORTH Starts at Pothireddy Pally Road Sy.No.541 /8 moves along the Thimmayapally Road ends at Jinnaram & Thimmai ally Road J nction.
EAST Starts above point goes along the Thimmaipally Road ends at Anjaneya Swamy Temple Road.
SOUTH Starts at above point moves western direction ends at H.No 7-24
WEST Starts at above point moves Northern direction turns right at Mutton Market goes along the road turns left at Vagu moves all along the Vagu to wards Pothireddy Pally Road ends at starting Point.
Kosigi Municipality Ward No 11 NORTH
Starts at H.No 3-76 moves Eastern direction proceeds Pochamma Temple Road and Anjaneya Temple ends at Sy.No.856.
EAST Starts at above point goes South direction ends at petrol bunk Mahabubnagar Road.
SOUTH Starts at above point moves along the Main Road ends at Vivekananda Statue Circle.
WEST Starts at above point goes along the Ram Mandir Road ends at starting point.
Kosigi Municipality Ward No 12
NORTH Starts at H.No 5-1 moves South-East direction ends at H.No 5-75
EAST Starts at bove point goes towards South direction ends at Pochamma Temple Road.
SOUTH Starts from above point moves South-west direction ends at H.No 7-23 Vivekananda Statue Road.
WEST Starts at above point goes along the Rammandir Road ends at starting point.
Kosigi Municipality Ward No 13
NORTH Starts at Shivaji Chowk moves along market road towards Eastern direction ends at Rammandir.
EAST Starts at above point H.no.3-15 proceeds H.No.3 Block moves Eastern edge ends at H.No.1-43.
SOUTH Starts at above point moves along the Main Road ends at Petrol Bunk.
WEST Starts at above point goes North-West direction ends at Starting point H.no.1-116.
Kosigi Municipality Ward No 14
NORTH Starts at H.No.1-94 ends at Sarjakhanpet Road.
EAST Starts at above point moves Southern direction proceeds Municipal office ends at Rammandir.
SOUTH Starts at above point moves western direction ends at Vegetable Market.
WEST Starts at above point moves Northern direction proceeds H.No.19-22 ends at starting oint.
Kosigi Municipality Ward No 15
NORTH Starts at h.No. 12-105 goes along Pothireddy Pally Road Earthen direction proceeds Jama-Masjid ends H.No.13-140.
EAST Starts at above point moves South-East direction ends at Pothireddy Pally Road.
SOUTH Starts at above point moves western direction along the Telugu Veedi ends at Municipal Road H.No.12-68.
WEST Starts at above point moves Northern direction ends at starting point.
Kosigi Municipality Ward No 16
NORTH Starts at Sajakhanpet Road Sy.No.19 North edge moves towards along the Pothireddy Pally Village Road end at Sy.No.541 / 7.
EAST Starts from above oint moves South-west direction alon the Road ends at Municipal pump town.
SOUTH Starts from above point goes along the Road turns right along the Vagu ends at 10 block corner Mutton Market.
WEST Starts at above point moves North direction ends at Medical Shop.