GO 53, 65 and 59 on 22 June 2023 for Telangana state Govt Employees Good News for Telangana Government employees and NOTE ON ALLOWANCES TO STATE GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES/PENSIONERS
On the occasion of Telangana State Decennial Celebrations, the Government sanctioned the following allowances/benefits to employees of the State Government and Pensioners;
- Employees Traveling & Conveyance Allowances are enhanced by 30%
- Transport Allowance to the Employees under transfer is enhanced by 30%
- Drivers/Lift Operators will be paid Rs.150/- for attending Holiday Turn Duty
- Special Compensatory Allowance to the employees working in Scheduled Areas is enhanced by 30%
- Conveyance Allowance for Blind, Hearing Impaired and Physically
Handicapped employees is enhanced from Rs.2,000/- to Rs.3,000/- - The following advances to Employees are enhanced;
Housing Building Advance limit enhanced from Rs.20.00 Iakhs to Rs.30.00 lakhs
Motor Car Advance limit enhanced from Rs.6.00 Iakhs to Rs.9.00 lakhs
Motor Cycle Advance limit enhanced from Rs.0.80 Iakhs to 1.00 Iakh Marriage Advance for Female children enhanced from Rs.1.00 Iakhs to Rs.4.00 lakhs and for Male Children from Rs.0.75 lakhs to Rs.3.00 lakhs
- Incentive to the employees working in all State Training Institutions is enhanced by 30%
- Special Pays to the Cops working in Grey Hounds, Intelligence, Traffic, CID, OCTOPUS and Anti Naxalite Squad is continued on the Revised Pay Scales of 2020
- Death Relief in respect of Pensioners enhanced from Rs.20,000/- to Rs.30,000/-
- In addition 15% SpI pay sanctioned to all the categories of employees working in Protocol Department
GOVERNMENT OF TELANGANA ABSTRACT Pensions Enhancement of relief in case of death of Pensioners Orders Issued.
G.O.Ms.No.65 FINANCE (HRM.V) DEPARTMENT Dated: 22nd June, 2023. Read the following:-
- G.O.Ms.No.504, Finance & Planning (FW:Pen.I) Department, dated: 10.12.1976. 2. G.O.Ms.No.238, Finance (Pen.I) Department, dated: 16.08.2008. 3. G.O.Ms.No.136, Finance (Pen.I) Department, dated: 29.06.2011. 4. G.O.Ms.No.101, Finance (HRM.V) Department, dated: 21.07.2015. 5. G.O.Ms.No.86, General Administration (Spl.A) Department, dated: 18.05.2018. 6. G.O.Ms.No.51, Finance (HRM.IV) Department, dated: 11.06.2021. & & &
In the Government Order 6. read above, based on the recommendations of First Pay Revision Commission, orders were issued implementing the Revised Pay Scales, 2020 to the State Government employees. - The First Pay Revision Commission, inter alia, has recommended for enhancement of relief in case of death of Pensioners.
- Government, after careful consideration of the recommendations of the First Pay Revision Commission and in modification of the existing orders issued vide Government order 4° read above, hereby order for enhancement of the relief in case of death of Pensioners from Rs.20,000/- (Rupees twenty thousand only) to Rs.30,000/- (Rupees thirty thousand only).
- The Pension Disbursing Officers concerned shall arrange for payment of the amount to the nominee or where the nominee predeceased, to the alternative nominee, as far as possible, on the same day of the death of the Service Pensioner / Family Pensioner or on the next working day immediately following the day of the death of the Pensioner / Family Pensioner.
- All other conditions and instructions issued in the references read above shall however continue to be in force.
- These orders shall come into force with immediate effect.
- This Government Order is available on the internet and can be accessed at the address: http://www.goir.telangana.gov.in. (BY ORDER AND IN THE NAME OF THE GOVERNOR OF TELANGANA) K.RAMAKRISHNA RAO, SPECIAL CHIEF SECRETARY TO GOVERNMENT
GOVERNMENT OF TELANGANA ABSTRACT Establishment – LOANS AND ADVANCES – House Building Advance – Recommendation of First Pay Revision Commission – Admissibility in Revised Pay Scales, 2020 – Accepted — Orders – Issued.
G.O.Ms.No.59 FINANCE (HRM.IV) DEPARTMENT Dated: 22., June, 2023. Read the following:-
- G.O.Ms.No.37, Finance (HRM.IV) Department, dated: 10.04.2015. 2. G.O.Ms.No.8 6, General Administration (Spl.C)) Department, dated: 18.05.2018. 3. G.O.Ms.No.51, Finance (HRM.IV) Department, dated: 11.06.2021.
In the Government Order , based on the recommendations of First Pay Revision Commission, orders were issued implementing the Revised Pay Scales, 2020 to the State Government employees. - The First Pay Revision Commission inter alia has recommended for enhancement of eligibility ceiling in respect of House Building Advance to the State Government employees, in the Revised Pay Scales, 2020.
- Government, after careful consideration of the recommendations of the First Pay Revision Commission and in modification of the orders issued in Government order, hereby enhance the existing ceiling of House Building Advance to the State Government employees, for purchase of ready built house/ flat, for purchase of site-cum-construction of new house/ flat and for construction of new house/ flat on the site already owned by the employee as below;
Pay ranges in Enhanced .No. Revised Pay Scales, Maximum 2020 Ceiling _ Employees drawing basic pay up to Rs.38,890/- per Month Employees drawing 2 basic pay above Rs.38,890/- p.m. and up to Rs.62,110/- p.m.
Employees drawing basic pay above Rs.62,110 p.m. and above All India Services Officers working in the State (For MoS, who opted for State Government HBA Rules)
Rs.20.00 Lakhs
Rs. 25.00 Lakhs
Rs.30.00 Lakhs
Rs.35.00 Lakhs
Eligible Rate of Amount Interest
Rs.20.00 Lakhs or 72 times of basic pay, whichever is less. Rs.25.00 Lakhs or 72 times of basic pay, whichever is less. Rs.30.00 Lakhs or 72 times of basic pay, whichever is less. Rs.35.00 Lakhs or SO times of basic pay, whichever is less.
For Class. IV employees @ 5.00% p.a. For others @ 5.50% p.a @ 5.50 p.a.
GOVERNMENT OF TELANGANA ABSTRACT ALLOWANCES Civil Services (Travelling Allowance) Rules Recommendations of the First Pay Revision Commission Travelling Allowance on Tour Orders Issued. G.O.Ms.No.53 FINANCE (HRM.IV) DEPARTMENT Dated: 22nd June, 2023. Read the following:-
- G.O.Ms.No.60, Finance (HRM.IV) Department, dated: 02.05.2015. 2. G.O.Ms.No.86, General Administration (Spl.C) Department, dated: 18.05.2018. 3. G.O.Ms.No.51, Finance (HRM.IV) Department, dated: 11.06.2021. & & &
The First Pay Revision Commission has reviewed the existing Travelling Allowance Rules as per the orders issued in the Government Order first read above and recommended the following;
a. Revision of Pay ranges of Grades according to Revised Pay Scales, 2020. b. Enhancement of rates of Daily Allowance payable to Government Servants while on tour within the State and outside the State. c. Enhancement of the maximum rates of reimbursement of Lodging Charges within State and outside the State in specified places. d. Enhancement of rates of Conveyance Charges payable to Government Servants at places outside the State, while on tour. e. Enhancement of rates of Mileage Allowance for travel by own Motor Car, Motor Cycle/Scooter. f. Revision of eligibility to travel by Train. g. Revision of eligibility to Travel by A.C. buses of Telangana State Road Transport Corporation (TSRTC). - Government after careful consideration have decided to accept the recommendations of the First Pay Revision Commission and hereby issue the following orders;
- Employees Grades:
3.1 Grades based on revised Pay Scales, 2020 shall as follows;
Grade Grade — I Grade — II Grade — III
Revised Pay Scale in RPS, 2020
Rs.72,850 — 1,47,310 and above
Rs.42,300-1,15,270 and up to and inclusive of Rs.67,300-1,43,890
Rest of the employees
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