The government of Andhra Pradesh have issued orders with GO 58 on 2 July 2019 denotifying Fruits and Vegetables from Schedule-II of the A.P.(AP&LS) Markets Act, 1966. If voluntary trade is conducted within Market yard, user charges shall be paid by the buyer to the Market Committee at the rate of not exceeding 1% of the purchase value as may be prescribed in the bye-laws of the Market Committee for the utilisation of infrastructure in the Market yard and services rendered by the Agricultural market committee in conducting transactions.
Commissioner and Director of Agricultural Marketing, A.P., Guntur has requested that consequent on de-notification of fruits and vegetables, the following guidelines may be issued for purchase and sale of fruits and vegetables.
Guidelines for sale of Fruits and Vegetables in Andhra Pradesh
- Agricultural Market Committee licence is not required under section 7(1) for purchase or sale of fruits & vegetables in the notified market area of the AMC.
- Agricultural Market Committee shall not levy Market Fee on the purchase or sale of Fruits and Vegetables either in the Market Yard or outside of the Market Yard(in the notified area)
- There shall be no commission agent system in the fruits and vegetable Markets and no commission will be paid by the seller
- Voluntary Trade is allowed in Market Yards. The transactions are conducted by the Agricultural Market Committee without commission agents.
- In e-NAM markets, any person who intends to participate in voluntary trade, shall register with the market committee in the form prescribed by the AMC along with a security deposit / bank guarantee for Rs.50,000/- (Rupees fifty thousand only) and buy the produce through e-NAM plat form without commission agents as per e-NAM trade procedure.
- The sale proceeds for the produce purchased through e-NAM shall be paid online to the seller’s bank account.
- In the markets other than e-NAM, it is open to the buyers to purchase the produce through Direct Marketing without commission agents in the manner prescribed in the Bye-Laws of the Agricultural Market Committee and the sale amount shall be paid to the seller immediately after sale, before lifting of the produce from market yard.
- The buyers who participate in voluntary trade in market yards shall pay the user charges to the Agricultural Market Committee at the rate specified in the Bye-Laws of the Agricultural Market Committee for utilisation of the infrastructure and services rendered by the Market committee.
- The details of seller, vehicle number, commodity etc., shall be recorded at the entry gate.
- Sale slips shall be prepared by the Agricultural Market Committee employees in triplicate for the sales effected in the Market Yard.
- Sale slip should contain the trade details such as; seller name & address, Buyer name & address commodity, quantity sold, rate, total sale value etc.,
- AMC shall ensure that the sale proceeds to the seller and user charges to the Agricultural Market Committee are paid before lifting of the produce from the Market Yard.
- User charges shall be collected by the Agricultural Market Committee employees using the Cash Receipt (CR) of Agricultural Market Committee.
- Existing shops allotted to the commission agents / traders in the fruits & vegetables markets, shall be re-allotted afresh to the persons who participate in voluntary trade duly following the existing allotment procedure.
- Separate entries shall be made in the “Cash Collection Ledger” for collection of user charges.
- Exit pass shall be issued for delivery of the produce from the Market Yard after satisfying that sale proceeds and user charges are paid.
- The exit pass should contain the payment details of sale amount and user charges with cash receipt No. & date.
- Agricultural Market Committees shall make suitable amendments to the Bye-Laws wherever necessary in order to implement the Govt.
orders issued in G.O.Ms.No.13 A&C(Mktg.II)Dept dt.31.01.2019. - Any disputes arise in conducting transactions in Market Yards shall be referred to Disputes sub-committee constituted under the Provisions of AP Markets Act, 1966.
- Agricultural Market Committees shall give wide publicity regarding de- notification of fruits and vegetables and conduct of voluntary trade in market yards among all the stakeholders of the Market Yards.
- Secretaries of Agricultural Market Committees and officers of the Department shall ensure effective implementation of the orders issued in the G.O.Ms .No. 13, A & C (Mktg.II) Dept, dt.31.01.2019 in all the Agricultural Market Committees in the State.
- Government after careful examination, hereby approved the above guidelines consequent on de-notification of fruits and vegetables for purchase and sale of fruits and vegetables.
- The Special Commissioner and Director of Agricultural Marketing, A.P., Guntur shall take further necessary action.