Pedana Municipality, Krishna District – Division of Pedana Municipality into twenty three (23) Wards The appended Notification will be published in an Extra-Ordinary Issue of the Andhra Pradesh Gazette, Dated:10.01.2020.
The Commissioner, Printing Stationary and Stores Purchase, Vijayawada, is requested to publish and furnish 20 copies of the Notification to Government.
The Commissioner, Pedana Municipality is directed to place the following Notification before the Municipal Council of Pedana Municipality for its views /suggestions besides giving wide publicity to the Notification as contemplated in rule 11 of the Andhra Pradesh Municipalities (Division of Nagara Panchayats and Municipalities into wards) Rules, 1994.
The Collector and District Magistrate, Krishna District is directed to affix the appended Notification on the notice board of his office to give an opportunity to make suggestions about the division of the Municipality into wards.
Pedana Municipality NOTIFICATION
Under clause (a) of sub-section (1) of section 10 of the Andhra Pradesh Municipalities Act, 1965 (Andhra Pradesh Act, 6 of 1965) read with rule 11 of the Andhra Pradesh Municipalities (Division of Nagar Panchayats and Municipalities into wards) Rules, 1994 issued in G.O.Ms.No.31, Municipal Administration & Urban Development Department, dated 03.02.1995 and after due consideration of the proposals submitted by the Commissioner and Director of Municipal Administration, Andhra Pradesh, Guntur, the Government hereby notify the draft delimitation of twenty three (23) wards of Pedana Municipality as specified in the schedule appended to this Notification.
The Municipal Council, Pedana Municipality is informed that it shall submit its views /suggestions, if any, on the proposed draft delimitation of wards notified, within 7 days of the publication of this Notification in the Andhra Pradesh Gazette, to the Commissioner, Pedana Municipality.
The people of Pedana Municipality are informed that they may submit their views/suggestions, if any, on the proposed draft delimitation of wards notified, within 7 days of the publication of this Notification in the Andhra Pradesh Gazette, to the Commissioner, Pedana Municipality.
A copy of the Notification is also sent to the Collector and District Magistrate, Krishna District and he/she is requested to affix the same on the Notice Board of his office and he/she is requested to give his / her suggestions about the division of the aforesaid Municipality into twenty three (23) wards to the Government immediately.
The Municipal Commissioner, Pedana Municipality and the Collector and District Magistrate, Krishna District may follow the procedure as stipulated under rule 12 of A.P. Municipalities (Division of Nagar Panchayats and Municipalities into wards) Rules 1994 and send their report to the Government through the Commissioner and Director of Municipal Administration, A.P., Guntur, immediately.
Pedana Municipality Ward No Boundary Description
Pedana Municipality Ward No.01
North Starting from the Survey No.5 at Municipal limits and runs towards Eastern side upto railway track
East Starting from the Railway track and runs towards Southern side along railway track upto Guduru road Railway gate
South Starting from the Guduru road railway gate and runs towards Western side along Guduru road upto Survey No.444 at Municipal limits
West Starting from the Survey No.444 at Municipal limits and runs towards Northern side along Municipal limits up to Survey No.5
Pedana Municipality Ward No.02
North Starting from the Survey No.26 of Northern side at Machiliplatnam-Gudivada railway track and runs towards Eastern side along Municipal limits upto end of survey no.26 and turns towards Southern side along Municipal limits upto Survey No.72 and turned towards Eastern side along Municipal limits upto Survey No.79 Machilipatnam-Gudivada Road
East Starting from the Survey No.79 of Machilipatnam-Gudivada Road and runs towards Southern side along Machilpatnam-Gudivada road upto D.No.7/105-2
South Starting from the D.No.7/105-2 and runs towards Western side along Pitchuka Vari Street (road in front of Registrar Office) upto D.No.8/65-1-3 and turns towards Southern side along municipal road upto Guduru road railway gate
West Starting from the Guduru Road railway gate and runs towards Northern side along railway track upto Survey No.26 at Municipal limits
Pedana Municipality Ward No.03
North Starting from the D.No.8/65-1-3 and runs towards Eastern side along Pitchuka vari street upto D.No.8/137-3 and cross the Main Road and runs towards Eastern side along Jakkula vari street upto D.No.4/398-9
East Starting from the D.No.4/398-9 and runs towards Southern side upto D.No.4/397-9 and runs towards Western side along Bantumilli Road upto D.No.4/402-1-9 and turns to Matam Street towards Southern side along Matam road upto D.No.3/3-10
South Starting from the D.No.3/3-10 and runs towards Western side along Kondiparti vari street and cross the main road and runs along Guduru Road upto railway gate
West Starting from the guduru road railway gate and runs towards Northern side along Cement road beside railway track and runs towards (via) D.No.8/162-3 upto D.No.8/65-1-3
Pedana Municipality Ward No.04
North Starting from the Survey No.88 at Municipal limits in Machilipatnam – Gudivada road towards Eastern side along municipal limits upto end of the Survey No.88
East Starting from the end of Survey No. 88 at Municipal limits and runs towards Southern side along Munshi Abdul Rahim street upto Pala Kendram (D.No.6/104-4)
South Starting from the Pala Kendram (D.No.6/104-4) and runs towards Western side along Jakkula Vari Street upto Machilipatam-Gudivada Main Road
West Starting from the crossing point of Machilipatnam- Gudivada road and Jakkula vari street and runs towards Northern side along Machilipatnam – Gudivada road upto Municipal limits at Survey No.88
Pedana Municipality Ward No.5
North Starting from the Survey No.101 at Municipal limits and runs towards Eastern side along Municipal boundary upto end of Survey No.105
East Starting from the end of the Survey No.105 at Municipal limits and runs towards Southern side along Dadagunta road upto D.No.4/360-5
South Starting from the D.No.4/360-5 and runs towards Western side along Jakkula vari street upto D.No.5/235-5 at Pala Kendram
West Starting from the D.No.5/235-5 at Pala Kendram and runs towards Norther side along Munshi Abdul Rahim street upto starting point of Survey No.101 at Municipal limits
Pedana Municipality Ward No.6
North Starting from the Survey No.104 and runs towards Eastern side along Municipal boundary upto Survey No.140
East Starting from the Survey No.140 and runs towards Southern side along By-Pass road upto end of Gunnampalli Harijanawada road
South Starting from the end of the Gunnampalli Harijanawada road and runs towards Western side along Gunnampalli Harijanawada, Veerabhdrapuram and Pedana Harijanawad roads upto D.No. 5/89-5 at Dadagunta road
West Starting from the D.No.5/89-5 at Dadagunta road and runs towards Northern side along Dadagunta road upto Survey No.104 at Municipal limits
Pedana Municipality Ward No.07
North Starting from the D.No.4/329 at Dadagunta road and runs towards Eastern side along Pedana Harijanawada and Veerabhdrapuram roads upto Jayalakshmi Bank road
East Starting from the Jayalakshmi Bank road and runs towards Southern side at Jayalakshmi Bank road upto D.No.17/811-6 at Bantumilli Road
South Starting from the D.No.17/811-6 at Bantumilli road and runs towards Western side along Bantumulli Road upto D.No.4/324 at starting point of Dadagunta road
West Starting from the starting point of Dadagunta road and runs towards Northern side along Dadagunta road upto D.No.4/329
Pedana Municipality Ward No.08
North Starting from the D.No.17/488-6 at end of Jayalakshmi Bank road and runs towards Eastern side along Gunnampalli Harijanawada road upto By-Pass road
East Starting from the By-Pass road and runs towards Southern side along By-Pass road upto Bantumilli road
South Starting from the Bantumilli road and runs towards Western side along Bantumilli road upto beginning of Jayalakshmi Bank road
West Starting from the beginning of Jayalakshmi Bank road and runs toward Northern side along Jayalakshmi Bank road upto D.No. 17/489-6
Pedana Municipality Ward No.09
North Starting from the Survey No.138 at Municipal limits and runs towards Eastern side along Municipal boundary upto end of Survey No.138 and turn towards Southern side along Municipal boundary upto starting of Survey No.208 and runs towards Eastern side along Municipal boundary upto Survey No.214
East Starting from the Survey No.214 at Municipal boundary and runs towards Southern side along Katlapalli road upto Survey No.210 at Municipal limits
South Starting from the Survey No.210 at Municipal limits and runs towards Western side along Municipal boundary upto ending point of Survey No.210 and turns towards Southern side along Municipal boundary upto Bantumilli road and runs towards Western side along Bantumilli road upto By-Pass road junction
West Starting from the By-Pass road junction and runs towards Northern side along By-Pass road upto Survey No.138 at Municipal limits
Pedana Municipality Ward No.10
North Starting from the Survey No.221 at Municipal limits and runs towards Eastern side along Municipal boundary upto Survey No.241
East Starting from the Survey No.241 of Municipal limits and runs towards Southern side along Municipal boundary upto Survey No.246
South Starting from the Suvery No.246 and runs towards Western side along Municipal boundary upto ending point of Survey No.253 at Katlapalli road
West Starting from the ending point of Survey No.253 at Katlapalli raod and runs towards Northern side along Katlapalli road upto Survey No.221at Municipal limits
Pedana Municipality Ward No.11
North Starting from the D.No.4/47-8 at Bantumilli road and runs towards Eastern side along Bantumilli road upto D.No.17/100-8 at Municipal limits
East Starting from the D.No.17/100-8 at Municipal limits and runs towards Southern side along Municipal boundary upto Survey No.711 at Municipal limits
South Starting from the Survey No.711 at Municipal limits and runs towards Western side along Municipal boundary upto ending point of Survey No.635
West Starting from the ending point of Survey No.635 and runs towards Northern side along Donka upto Survey No.616 and runs towards Northern side upto D.No.4/47-8 at Bantumilli road (via) Kapula Veedhi Donka and beside road of Saw Mill
Pedana Municipality Ward No.12
North Starting from the Pala Kendram at Jakkula vari veedhi runs towards Eastern side along Jakkula vari street upto Transformer and runs along Bantumilli road upto D.No.4/36-8 at beside road of Saw Mill
East Starting from the D.No.4/36-8 at beside road of Saw Mill and runs towards Southern side upto Kapula Veedhi Donka road
South Starting from the Kapula Veedhi Donka road and runs towards Western side along Kapula Veedhi Donka road upto D.No.3/215-8 and turns towards Southern side along municipal road upto D.No.3/216 and turns towards Western side along municipal road upto D.No.3/199-8 at Chodudukkulu road and turns Southern side along Chodudukkulu road upto D.No.3/138-9 and turns Western side along municipal road upto D.No.3/139-9 and turns towards Southern side along municipal road upto D.No.3/98-9 and turns Western side along municipal road upto D.No.3/89-9 and turns Southern side along municipal road upto D.No.3/109-9 and turns towards Western side along municipal road upto D.No.2/150-8 and turns towards Northern side along municipal road upto D.No.3/114-9 and turns towards Western side along municipal road upto D.No.2/219 at Matam road
West Starting from the D.No.2/219 at Matam road and runs towards Northern side along Matam road upto Bantumilli road and turns towards Eastern side along Bantumilli road upto D.No.3/43-9 and turns towards Northern side along municipal road upto Pala Kendram at Jakkula vari veedhi
Pedana Municipality Ward No.13
North Starting from the D.No.2/3-10 at Main road and runs towards Eastern side along Kondiparthi Vari Street upto Matam road and turns Southern side along Matam road upto D.No.2/186-1-9 and turns Eastern side along municipal road upto D.No.2/198-8 and turns towards Southern side along municipal road upto D.No.2/150-8 and turns Eastern side along municipal road upto D.No.3/102-9 and turns Northern side along municipal road upto D.No.3/109-9 and turns Eastern side along municipal road upto D.No.3/98 and turns Northern side along municipal road upto D.No.3/139-9 and turns Eastern side along municipal road upto D.No.3/141-8 and turns Northern side along Chodudukkulu road upto D.No.3/199-8 and turns Eastern side along municipal road upto D.No.3/216-8 and turns Northern side along municipal line upto D.No.3/215-8 at Kapula veedhi donka and turns Eastern side along Kapula veedhi donka upto ending of Survey No.615
East Starting from the ending of Survey No.615 and runs towards Southern side along Donka upto municipal boundary at Survey No.634
South Starting from the Municipal boundary at Survey No.634 and runs towards Western side along municipal boundary upto starting point of Survey No.631 and turns Northern side along Chodudukkulu road upto Vinayaka Temple and turns Western side along municipal road upto Matam road and turns Northern side along Matam road upto D.No.2/162-1-8 and turns towards Western side along Bungalow School upto main road
West Starting from the Bungalow School at Main road and runs towards Northern side along Machilipatnam-Gudivada road upto D.No.2/3-10 at the beginning of Kondiparthi vari street
Pedana Municipality Ward No.14
North Starting from the Bungalow School at main road and runs towards Eastern side along Bungalow School road upto Matam road and turns towards Southern side along Matam road upto D.No.2/41-10 opposite Vinayaka Temple and turns towards Eastern side along Doddipatla vari road upto Vinayaka Temple at Chodudukkulu
East Starting from the Vinayaka Temple at Chodudukkulu road and runs towards Southern side along donka upto municipal boundary at the beginning of Survey No.631
South Starting from the beginning point of Survey No.631 and runs towards Western side along municipal boundary upto end of Survey No.631
West Starting from the municipal boundary at ending point of Survey No.631 and runs towards Northern side along municipal boundary, beside road of Jagapathi Theatre and Matam road upto D.No.1/185-11 and turns Western side along Municipal road upto D.No.1/190-11 and turns Northern side upto Gothilo Mill and turns towards Western side along Gothilo mill road upto main road and turns towards Northern side along Machilipatnam-Gudivada Road upto Bungalow School
Pedana Municipality Ward No.15
North Starting from the Gothilo Mill road at Gudivada-Machilipatnam Main road and runs towards Eastern side along Gothilo Mill road upto Gothilo Mill and turns towards Southern side along Municipal road upto D.No.1/177-11 and turns towards Eastern side upto Matam Road along Municipal road
East Starting from the Matam road and runs towards Southern side along Matam road (via) Jagapathi Theatre upto end of Survey No.544 at Municipal limits
South Starting from the ending point of Survey No.544 at Municipal limits and runs towards Western side along Municipal boundary upto railway track
West Starting from the railway track at Municipal limits and runs towards Northern side along railway track upto railway gate and turns towards Northern side along Machilipatnam-Gudivada main road upto Gothilo Mill road starting point
Pedana Municipality Ward No.16
North Starting from the D.No.14/93-14 at Polavarapupeta and runs towards Eastern side along Municipal road upto D.No.14/162-13 and turns towards Southern side along Municipal road upto back side of Kalyanamandapam and turns Eastern side along Old Registrar’s office street upto Machilipatnam-Gudivada road
East Starting from the Machilipatnam-Gudivada road and runs towards Southern side along Machilipatnam-Gudivada road upto Railway gate
South Starting from the Railway gate
West Starting from the Railway gate and runs towards Northern side along Railway track upto D.No.14/95-1-14 and turns along Municipal road upto D.No.14/93-14
Pedana Municipality Ward No.17
North Starting from the Guduru road Railway gate and runs towards Eastern side along Guduru road upto Guduru road and Main road junction
East Starting from the Guduru road and Main road junction and runs towards Southern side Gudivada-Machilipatnam road upto D.No.15/25-13 at Old Registrar’s office road
South Starting from the D.No.15/25-13 at Old Registrar’s office road and runs towards Westerns side along Old Registrar’s office road upto back side of Kalyanamandapam and turns towards Northern side along Municipal road upto D.No.14/162-13 and turns Western side along Municipal road upto Railway track
West Starting from the railway track and runs towards Northern side along railway track upto Guduru road railway gate
Pedana Municipality Ward No.18
North Starting from the D.No.16/228-16 at Ganeshnagar road and runs towards Eastern side upto Railway track
East Starting from the Railway track and runs towards Southern side along railway track upto Survey No.536 at Municipal limits
South Starting from the Survey No.536 at Municipal limits and runs towards Western side along Municipal boundary upto end of Survey No.532 at D.T.Palem Donka
West Starting from the Survey No.532 at D.T.Palem Donka and runs towards Northern side along D.T.Palem Donka road upto D.No.16/228-16 at Ganeshnagar road
Pedana Municipality Ward No.19
North Starting from the Survey No.580 at Municipal limits and runs towards Eastern side along donka upto D.T.Palem road
East Starting from the D T Palem road and runs towards Southern side along D T Palem donka road upto Municipal limits at Survey No.531
South Starting from the Survey No.531 at Municipal limits and runs towards Western side along municipal boundary upto ending point of municipal limits
West Starting from the municipal limits and runs towards Northern side along municipal boundary upto ending point of Survey No.580
Pedana Municipality Ward No.20
North Starting from the D.No.12/23 and runs towards Eastern side along D.T.Palem road upto D.No.12/143-1-15 and turns towards Northern side along D.T. Palem road upto Guduru road and turns towards Eastern side along Guduru road upto railway gate
East Starting from the Guduru road Railway gate and runs towards Southern side along railway track upto D.No.16/241-16
South Starting from the D.No.16/241-16 and runs towards Western side along municipal road upto Ganeshnagar road and turns towards Southern side along Ganeshnagar road upto D.T.Palem Junction (New Anjaneya Swamy Temple)
West Starting from the D T Palem Junction and runs towards Northern side along D T Palem road upto Vinayaka Temple near RLW Colony and turns towards Western side along RLW Colony Water Tank road upto Anjaneya Swamy Temple and turns Northern side upto D.No.12/23 at the road behind High School
Pedana Municipality Ward No.21
North Starting from the Guduru Road Veerabhadra Swamy Temple and runs towards Eastern side along Guduru Road upto Ramalyam near Railway gate
East Starting from the Ramalayam near Railway gate and runs towards southern side along D T Palem road upto D.No.12/101-15 and turns towards Western side along High School back side road upto D.No.12/13-18 and turns toward Southern side along RLW Colony road upto D.No.12/237-1-18 near Anjaneya Swamy Temple
South Starting from the D.No.12/237-1-18 near Anjaneya Swamy Temple and turns towards Western side along RLW Colony to Brahmapuram road upto D.No.11/231-18
West Starting from the D.No.11/231-18 and runs towards Northern side along Yarra Sesham gari road upto Guduru road at Veerabhadra Swamy Temple
Pedana Municipality Ward No.22
North Starting from the Guduru road at Sadasivalingeswara Society and runs towards Eastern side along Guduru road upto beside the road of Veerabhadra Swamy Temple
East Starting from the beside the road of Veerabhdra Swamy Temple and runs towards Southern side along Yarra Sesham gari road upto D.No.11/194-18 and turns towards Eastern side along RLW Colony Water Tank road upto D T Palem road and turns towards Southern side along D T Palem road upto three roads junction
South Starting from the Three roads junction and runs towards Northern side along D T Palem road and turns Western side and runs along Donka upto Municipal limits at the beginning of Survey No.495
West Starting from the beginning of Survey No.495 and runs towards Northern side along Sadasivalingeswara Society road upto Guduru Road
Pedana Municipality Ward No.23
East North Starting from the Municipal limits at Govt. Junior College and runs towards Eastern side along Guduru road upto Sadasivalingeswara Society
Starting from the Sadasivalingeswara Society and runs towards Southern side along Sadasivalingeswara Society road upto D T Palem Donka near Survey No.495
South Starting from the Survey No.495 at D T Palem Donka and runs towards Western side along D T Palem Donka upto Municipal limits near Survey No.490
West Starting from the Municipal limits near Survey No.490 and runs towards Northern side along Municipal boundary upto Guduru Road